6 Weeks with June

Six weeks with June has been so hard yet so amazing. My friend Hazel, who had a c-section last summer, told me she didn't feel completely normal until 6 weeks postpartum. Because of that, I was really just looking forward to being 6 weeks in . . . and now that I am, I definitely agree with her that you don't feel totally normal until 6 weeks later, maybe even more. Although I still get uncomfortable running a few steps (ha) and I still have a c-section pooch, I feel sooo much better with my body and more confident with June.

For the first few weeks, I didn't want to leave the house because she was so unpredictable - Was she going to be hungry? Was she going to just scream for no reason? Was she going to be sleepy? It was all around easier to be in the comfort of my home, freeing the nipple, and of course watching Grey's Anatomy.

But now that we're 6 weeks in, I feel like I've learned enough about June and we're both confident with nursing in different places than my bed or couch. I feel comfortable venturing out to new places with her - and most importantly I've learned that she functions best close to me in a wrap or other carrier. If she's in her car seat, I have to constantly be holding it or rocking it else she cries, so wraps it is, and I probably enjoy it just as much as her!

Today we went to the grocery store and I was rocking her to sleep in the Happy baby wrap. She was dozing off and I was excited to spend an hour grocery shopping in silence with a happy, sleepy baby! An older lady came up to me as I was shaking my entire body and said, "You must have some music playing in your head!" I think every mom of a newborn has music playing in her head. :)

My favorite things at 6 weeks:

  • Sleeping really great 6-8 hour stretches, nurses, then goes back to sleep for 2-3 hours
  • Loves to cuddle and sleep next to me or Jake 
  • Nurses like a champ and is gaining weight so well  - 11 lbs 6 oz 
  • Smiling so big when we talk to her
  • Loves bath time and showering with Jake! 
  • Always, always breaks out of her swaddle 
  • Poops RIGHT when she wakes up and it is hilarious 
  • She still loves to stick her tongue out. She's always licking things. Jake was holding her the other day and she was just licking his chest and we were dying laughing

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