Recent happenings

This week has been full of crazy surprises! June officially started crawling and is exploring more each day around the house. Tonight she wandered into the kitchen as we were making dinner and started putting her little arm around my ankle. With her new found mobility, she's also started to show how much of a mama's girl she is. She'll crawl to me wherever I am and whine the whole way over until I pick her up. And tonight, for the first time, she said MAMA! At first I thought, no, that's not what she said. But then she did it over and over again! I'm not sure she knows what it means, but I can't stop playing back the videos I have of her saying it. So far, it's only been when she's whining, but I'll take it!

We took these photos this past weekend when we were "location scouting" for our next family photos, haha. This is a little campground up Squaw Peak. The weather is quickly turning fall appropriate and we are loving it. For some reason it's so fun to dress babies in leggings and long sleeves. I'm just not ready for the snow - I'm hoping it goes easy on us again this year!

School is going well, but it's also stressful at times trying to get things done. Usually I have to wait until she's asleep at night or scramble to get things finished during naps, and I'm already ready for that to be over and be 100% mom, but I'm excited that I'll be graduating and finishing college. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

We're excited for fall because that means homemade apple juice AND homemade grape juice!!! Plus soup galore, pumpkin pie, and my Grandma's chex mix! As sad as I am to say bye to this amazing summer we had, I'm excited to experience June's first fall. Almost everything is better with a baby on your hip.

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