2 Months Old

Our sweet Junebug is 2 months old! We just had her appointment today and she did really well, even when she had to get her first round of shots. I cried. It was pathetic. Luckily I know I'm not the only one who does that. I always told myself I wouldn't be *THAT* mom who cried when the baby got shots, but it's SO MUCH HARDER to watch than you think it'd be. Seriously. That's an extension of yourself . . . a tiny person who relies on you for comfort and love, and then you go and make them get poked with a needle! I felt awful, but I know it's for the best haha. Even this longwinded paragraph is probably dramatic.

But for our two month old girl . . .

WEIGHT: 12 lbs 13 oz - 84.79 percentile
HEIGHT: 24.6 inches - 99.61 percentile
HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE - 15 1/2 inches

Oxygen 98%
Temp 97.8
Heartbeat: 150 bpm
(That's probably a little too detailed haha)

A funny story from Dr. Simmons. He asked, "Remind me, is she breast or formula fed?" I said, "Breast" and he said, "Is she eating well? . . . Obviously she is, never mind." Haha she's definitely going to double her birth weight by 4 months. We love her chunk and find new rolls every day!

After her appointment, we went home and straight cuddled. She nursed and went right to sleep and I didn't even try to put her down because she definitely deserved some cuddles after that. I'm not looking forward to when we go next month for more.

This was pre-shots, probably crying because she was cold. Don't worry, I cuddled her REAL quick after I snapped this picture

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