Do you want to see more formal photos? Yes.

Well, I don't know about you, but I want to! We were sort of impatient with getting these photos (Sorry, Talmage) but we were so excited with the few sneak peeks that he had sent us that we were tired of waiting! Talmage was able to get them to us this past weekend and when we looked at them Sunday morning, we were sooooo happy. We think they turned out great, and I'm also really happy that you can't tell how cold I am in all of these pictures. All in favor of wearing long john garments on our actual wedding day!

Just so I can remember this day for all the craziness that it was... At work, I was telling a girl named Trinity that I had bridals that night and I had no one to do my hair and makeup. So what did she do? She told me she does hair and makeup and would love to do that for me! So nice.

After work, I went to class and then I had to figure out a bouquet situation. I ended up ordering one from some flower shop in Provo (that Jackie actually ordered, not me) and when I got there... it was trash. It was like, 12 white roses with one piece of greenery. So then I went to Hobby Lobby and got all these fake flowers and put them together in hopes of making a decent looking bouquet. It was like $85 bucks in total for the real flowers and fake flowers. Well. It would have to do.

I rushed over to Trinity's, after Facetiming Beth and asking, "Does this look too fake?!?!" and got my hair and makeup done. She's amazing, really. Extremely talented and didn't even let me pay her when I offered. So nice. Anyway. We were running late because I got there a little bit late and Talmage was texting and saying he was ready. We were picking him up, so I was like, "Jake, go grab all my stuff (my dress, my shoes, my EVERYTHING! haha) go get him, then I'll just meet you guys there!" Somehow . . . miraculously, I was able to finish, meet Jake as he was starting his truck, contact Talmage on where to pick him up, and go! AND we were able to have enough light to get some shots like this.

In between a few of the pictures, we would hop in the truck to get warmed up. Probably a good idea, and luckily Jake's truck cranked the heat! 

LASTLY... We didn't do a first look... Mainly because I'm not super sentimental about that stuff, but also because I changed from my regular clothes into my dress IN THE TRUCK while they were chatting outside of it, and when I got out, I couldn't zip my dress all the way, so I was like, "Jake can you zip this?!" Hahahaha. It was pretty terrible if you're a bride that's super sentimental... Luckily Jake and I are just right for each other and thought it was pretty funny. 

We Are Ready To Be Married

Yesterday, Jake and I went to Bountiful because Rachel invited us up to have dinner. She also is letting me borrow her veil for our wedding and is giving us an awesome table . . . with 6 chairs! We may not have a bed frame or a couch, but we have a mattress and a table with 6 chairs!

We made a paper change some sixty days ago and now that paper chain is down to eight days.

E I G H T!!!

*Push continue reading to read the rest of this post!*

Jake Says Funny Things Part 1

I feel privileged to be with Jake almost 24/7 because sometimes he says the funniest things. And maybe I just think they're funny because I think he's so cute, but I've been keeping a note on my phone called "Jake is funny" and I wanted to share some of those... PS. There definitely is a common theme... hahaha.

  • "I'll do summer sales so we can have a baby."
  •  We were driving to Lake Powell and I had asked if we could listen to The Five Love Languages on the way there. We did, and at the end of the book it talks about filling up your spouse's love tank with their love language.
    "Let's have a safe word if your love tank ever gets below an 8. The safe word can be, 'We haven't been to the redwoods lately.'"
  • "I think our problem is that your love tank is full."
  • Talking about our engagement - "4 months is short my butt!"
  • I played work by Rihanna and he had never heard it before.
  • I said, "Ily" and he asked what that meant.
  • "That's gonna be us in 3 months!" - Jake
    "With a baby?" - Me
    "You can do it!" - Jake
  • "Squishably perfect... That's you!"
  • "We just need to sit down and see if we can have a baby." - he wanted to talk logistics and finances to see if we could make it work! hahaha.
  • "People need to stop telling us not to have babies. They're gonna be a gift to the world."
  • at the pumpkin patch - "Doesn't it feel like something's missing?" - Me
    "It feels like 4 somethings are missing." - Jake
  • I was spelling words out on his back and he was getting every letter right until . . . 
    "H-O-T-T-I.....Q?" We both DIED laughing, even though it probably isn't that funny...
  • also at the pumpkin patch: "It's good to start traditions like this... Next year, we'll bring our baby."
  • Just last night he was trying to tell me about this post I had tagged him in on Instagram and he didn't know what it was called when I tagged him in something... He later apologized for "Not knowing Instagram terms.-"You commented my name or tagged me or . . . what is it called?" - Jake
    "I tagged you" - Me
    "I thought I had to be in the picture for you to tag me?" - Jake
And for good measure, here's a picture of Jake when we were testing out mattresses this past weekend.

The Time We Took Formals

I knew I wanted to take formals since we got engaged. I think it's so much easier to do that than try to take formal pictures after you get married. I also knew I wanted my awesome friend Talmage to take them. He just is SO talented. Well, they finally happened. Of course, we waited until the first real downpour of snow in Utah where it had to be absolutely freezing, but they turned out so good. Find Talmage on Instagram: @talmagekaleb.

I can't believe I get to be his wife... in 15 days! 

The Time We Went To Cincinnati For Thanksgiving

We had been looking forward to this week for FOREVER. We were so excited to be at the farm for a couple of days, homework and stress-free and just snuggling with the family. We drove to Vegas after school on Tuesday, stayed the night there and then left in the morning for the airport. Our flight ended up getting delayed 4 and a half hours, and too bad for me because I had already bought a crappy expensive sandwich that I didn't even end up eating because the bread was already soggy! Sick.

When we got to Ohio, my mom had gotten there just half an hour before us and Tracey was already there waiting for us. We got in the car and when we got to the farm, everyone was up waiting for us. Lillie and Cannon had written a little sign for us and also made up a dance that they were so excited about.

The Chicken Diaries: Part 1

My name is Lynnette, my almost-husband's name is Jake, and we love chickens.

I didn't always love chickens. In fact, they scared for me for quite some time. Actually, they still scare me. But when you get past their little beak and weirdo feet, they're pretty sweet and also a little bit cute. Jake has probably always loved chickens, so that's one of the reasons we're getting married.

When we found out we are living in one of Amanda and Kyle's properties where there is a chicken coop, one of the first things we asked (not about the size of the house, the carpet, the shower or anything) was if we could use the chicken coop. Of course they said yes -- something we are SO thrilled about.

We decided that we'll have chickens instead of children for the first little bit of our marriage, and that'll be about the same. I tell Jake that I'm going to snuggle our chickens, give them each a hug and a kiss good night, and that we are going to be the best chicken-parents in the whole world.

Jake's the more realistic part of this parenting chickens thing. He's like, "Okay, we'll have to open the fence here so we can get in and out easily to feed the chickens and collect the eggs." And I'm like, "I think Piper will be a really cute name for one of the chickens! What do you think?" And he's all, "We'll have to get chickens that are about the same age, but if we want to get three older girls in January and then chicks in April, I know how to make them get accustomed to each other." And again I say, "I can't wait to have toddlers running around!"

Our house may be a little teeny thing, but at least we'll be married... and AT LEAST we'll have beautiful chickens.

Stay tuned for the rest of The Chicken Diaries, you won't want to miss them.

The Time That Hillary Almost Won The Election

There are a few things I feel pretty strongly about, and I'm pretty loud-mouthed about them at times. To name a few of these items I am passionate for: oreo mcflurries, feminism, babies, gay marriage, spaghetti, airplanes, and being kind. There are times when I can keep quiet and not say anything and then there are times, like now, that it would feel wrong to keep quiet.

Last night, Jake and I went to go see a movie while the election results were coming in and I was checking them periodically. It was pretty neck and neck the entire time. I thought, "Oh, Hillary's fine, California's votes haven't come in yet and they have 55!" And then California's came in blue of course, but three other states had come in red. I thought no way. The movie ended around midnight and the results were final. I told Jake, "We aren't having children until he's out of office." (Half joke, half serious).

Eight years ago, I wanted John McCain to win. Four years ago, I wanted Mitt Romney to win. This year, I wanted Hillary Clinton to win. This isn't a crazy switch from republican to democrat nor is it a I'm-Supporting-Hillary-Because-She's-A-Woman move, it's what I feel is right. It's the candidate I feel is the most competent and most deserving. I support a woman who worked her whole life for this campaign, a woman who never gave up, who has the stamina and passion to keep going, and a woman who is undeniably in it for the greater good of America.

I know there are good people who I love and respect that voted for and supported Trump throughout his entire campaign. But I also know that there were things done and said by Trump before, during, and I'm sure after his campaign that I do not agree with and will never be able to justify to myself. Although I hope for the best in Trump's presidency, I will always wonder what Hillary would have done in office, and of course, I will miss the Obamas.

Even though the election is over, I'm still with her.

"To the little girls out there, never doubt that you are powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world."

Some articles I want to remember:

Hilly Klinton
American Tragedy
Girls Can Be Anything

The Time I Went To Texas (Without Jake)

The "Without Jake" part was not my choice, if that's what you're thinking. My mom pretty much required me to come home one weekend during this semester so we could go through some pictures for our wedding slideshow as well as sort through old clothes and journals and things like that. On Halloween night, Jake and I went bowling and I said, "If I beat you, you have to fly to Texas with me." He said he would. I ended up losing 143-137. Besides a pretty good game, he still wasn't coming with!

My family and I went out to dinner Thursday night when I got in. It was fun to see everyone and catch up. Luckily there weren't too many wedding questions without my mediator there! Haha. That night, I got to see Olivia. We caught up a little bit and then of course went to go get Slurpees. It was so good to see her; she's been the biggest help thus far for planning the wedding and I'm so glad she's able to go! Everyone needs an Olivia in their life.

The Time I Went To The Temple

About five weeks ago, I went to my bishop requesting an interview to go through the temple. Jake and I had decided I would go through a month-ish before we were married so we could do a couple of sessions together and just get a little familiar and comfortable with it before our wedding day. This was also a good chance for Jake to get back into a schedule with the temple, since the closest one to his home in Cincinnati is about 2 hours away and where he served his mission, there was not one.

I completed a temple prep class, had my interviews, bought what I needed, and we went on Saturday! I chose the Draper Temple for no real reason. It's a beautiful temple and when I've been there before for baptisms, I remember feeling comfortable and extremely welcome. Not to mention, it's set pretty high up east off the highway so you really get this High-On-The-Mountain-Top kind of feeling.

The Time We Went Camping

The people to for sure go camping with are Jake and the Ervins -- Tyler, Maggie, and their cute son August. We've been trying to do as much as we can outside while the weather is still nice, and rumor had it that this was going to be the last nice weekend for a while... and so far, they have been right! It's been in the 30s in the mornings and 50s in the afternoons. Maybe we'll get some real snow this year!

The Time We Went To Lake Powell

Displaying IMG_0745.JPG

Jake hates these pictures, but luckily I look good, so I'm posting them... HAHAHA.

We went to Lake Powell for Labor Day Weekend! It was seriously so much fun! We went on a whim -- literally got a call from Kyle (Jake's uncle) that Wednesday that they were driving out the next day and we should go out that Friday when we're done with classes. It wasn't even a question, we were definitely going! School had just started so we didn't have that much homework, and we're always up for a road trip.

The Time We Got Engaged

First off, can I say it is still super weird to be wearing my dream ring on my finger? Ok. Yes. Super weird. But also... so amazing!

On our way to Utah from Texas, we stopped in Kansas to see Lisette (and also to eat raspberry black bean dip from So Long Saloon). When we got there, after 7 hours of driving separately because my car is too heavy to tow behind his truck, we were tired. We knew if we drove separately the next 14 hours, we'd be stopping every two hours or so. It would pretty much take us 2 years to get to Utah. So, we decided, while eating raspberry black bean dip (which I honestly might let take the blame for the entire ordeal), to buy cheap Frontier flights back to Kansas and to leave my car at K State for the week. We unpacked a little bit of my stuff, put it in the truck, and off we went. My first real time driving the truck (nerve-wracking), but mainly lots of cuddle time and listening to the same audiobook! I was excited, because that's what I had been looking forward to the whole time. ANYWAY. The point of this paragraph is to tell you we left my car in Kansas, and had to, at some point, return to get it.

Sunday the 21st, we flew out from SLC to MCI early, early in the morning.
While at the airport, we were going through security, and Jake's bag pulled to the side by TSA. Of course. I was pretty oblivious to everything that was going on, but I learned later that the TSA worker pulled out the ring box Jake had made me and I didn't even notice! Jake said to me, "Lynnette, you can go stand over there," And I was like, "No it's okay, I'll stay here!" (Haha sorry Jake!) Jake said to the guy, "Dude that's an engagement ring, please help me out!" The TSA guy ended up finding Jake's knife in there, so all was good and I was still 100% oblivious. Jake later said to me, "I would've had to propose to you right there in the Salt Lake City airport if you would have seen it!" Hahaha.

We spent Sunday with Lisette -- "hiked" the Konza Prairie which is not far from her campus and watched a movie. We didn't have a place to stay that night, so we just figured it was best to leave late because we wanted to spend time in Colorado during the day instead of missing the awesome scenery again! So we ended up leaving around 11 pm central time, which let me tell you - TERRIBLE IDEA. 2 hours in, we were both so tired. We stopped several times that night, and I'm honestly amazed neither of us fell asleep at the wheel.

It was the 22nd, and this day was pretty freaking awesome. That morning, we went to Cherry Creek State Park and just kind of walked around and talked. I think we were both just needing to move around and get some energy, so we were willing to stop anywhere!

After, we went to Denver City Park and laid down a sheet I had in my car just to talk and hang out. Earlier the previous day, Jake had told me about this analogy that he and his uncle had thought of. This was the analogy: "We're on a river, and I love the river. The river is so fun. And at the end of the river, we drop into the ocean. And the ocean is super intimidating, right? It's scary." 
Of course I took this analogy the "wrong way", but I don't really know how else I should have taken it! He shared this analogy with me and my immediate reaction was, "We can postpone the wedding date! We can date all semester!" and, his personal favorite, "Do you want to date other girls?" Apparently this is not what he was going for -- he just wanted to discuss marriage and make sure I was 100% in it, for e t e r n i t y.

A couple times Jake said things like, "I love you! I want to get married in December. I know I'm going to marry you." And other times he said things like, "I'm not sure I'm ready! It's a big commitment." Let me tell you -- this day was a whirlwind of emotions. Several times I was sure we were going to drive home broken up and the whole drive was going to be completely awkward (I am being so serious).

We left the park and went to eat at Mellow Mushroom -- amazing pizza. Parking was insane. We found this parking lot that seriously charged about $25 for 1 hour of parking, but we couldn't find parking on the street. So we decided we were "living on love" and went for it. The pizza was amazing as usual, and Jake was able to eat bruschetta and about three whole pieces of pizza. I don't know where all of it goes, but it's in there somewhere, apparently. We left, and we had about a 4 hour drive to Glenwood Springs Canyon, where there is this amazing hike we found called Hanging Lake.

I slept most of the way, woke up when we stopped for gas, complained a little, bought sour skittles, and then we made our way to the trail. There were so many signs that said things like, "CAUTION: HARD HIKE. BRING WATER. HAVE GOOD, STURDY SHOES." Me? I'm not in shape. We had a few water bottles. I had old tennis shoes I had bought from Nordstrom Rack about 18 months back -- but sure, it was going to be great! I stayed positive, even though it was pretty cloudy and gray outside and it was probably going to pour on us, but it was fine!

The trail was pretty busy this day, which was comforting, just in case I broke my leg or died and Jake needed help getting me down (kidding). The way up wasn't so bad, actually, but still not super easy. Jake would stop occasionally for "his" sake, but really mine, and ask if I wanted to keep going. I would reply, "I'm fine, I'm fine!"

On the way down, we started talking about his amazing family -- I was finally feeling like Jake was being his normal self again! Maybe the nerves were subsiding or something had clicked, I didn't know, but I was glad he was becoming normal again! We talked about his mom, and how she's such a hard worker and how she has accomplished so much and still wants to accomplish so much more. I shared stories I had of her that I came to know while being at the farm, and he shared some stories of her as he was growing up. We also talked about his brother Brent, which led us to talk about Tess.

The way Jake's family talks about Tess is amazing and heartbreaking all at once. I remember Beth told me about her a little over a year ago, but I didn't think much of it because I had never seen a picture of her and I didn't know the full extent of the story. Earlier this summer, Beth and I also talked about an experience she remembers with Tess, and now, walking down this hike, Jake started telling me about the same exact experience. He told me he remembers coming home from school with his brothers and Beth had picked them up, and his dad met them out in the driveway and said, "Tessie's passing away." They spent the rest of her time together, sharing stories and just loving each other -- the kind of Blackwelder love that I have the hardest time explaining to people until they see it in action. When Jake quoted his dad, he started crying a little bit. We were both pretty emotional right then.

When we got to the bottom of the hike, we joked about getting engaged (how much more joking could we do? We had already gone ring shopping! Haha). He told he me hadn't asked my mom yet and since I thought he didn't have the ring yet, I told him, "Don't worry, we'll just call her next week!" Little did I know, he 1) had the ring and 2) was texting my sister (who had tried on my ring the night before!) saying things like, "I haven't asked your mom, but I want to ask her to marry me!" and Lisette was saying, "Just do it!" We got back in the car, and I thought we FOR SURE weren't going to get engaged -- I was a little disappointed, but it was going to happen at some point! His mom had texted me when we got back in the car and I got service again, "So what's the scoop? Are you guys going to get married in December? Let me know!" And I seriously responded, "I don't know, I am thinking he wants to wait a little bit right now so we'll see. I love him and I'll wait as long as he wants to!"

And then.
Literally 15 minutes later.
We pulled off to the side of the Colorado River, the last stop before the canyon ends, and started walking around a little.
We were standing by my car and I said, "I need to know. Do you want to marry me or not?!"
He reached into the car and got out this amazing little box he had made the week before (I knew he was making something, but he told me it was a "wedding gift", which is another reason why I'm so crazy for thinking he was breaking up with me).
I said over and over, "What are you doing?! What are you doing?!"
He got down on one knee and I said, "what are you doing?!"
And he said, "I'm ready for the ocean, will you marry me?"
It was simple. And sweet. And perfect. I could not have asked for anything more.
And the ring was exactly what I wanted.

I was seriously so shocked. I had no idea it was coming, and I was so excited.
But we realized he still hadn't asked my mom for permission, and she just happened to be in Vegas, so we drove 7 hours there to tell her in person. That was so fun.

I love Jake, and I can't wait for our life together.
Sometimes I'll just be driving and I'll kind of see our future. I'm not sure exactly what it looks like or where we'll be, but I know that we'll be together and that we want the same things and no matter what we decide, we'll be happy with where we are.
There's nothing more I want than to be a Blackwelder (and more importantly, Jake's Wife!)
(So cheesy, I know, but so true.)