The Time We Went To Cincinnati For Thanksgiving

We had been looking forward to this week for FOREVER. We were so excited to be at the farm for a couple of days, homework and stress-free and just snuggling with the family. We drove to Vegas after school on Tuesday, stayed the night there and then left in the morning for the airport. Our flight ended up getting delayed 4 and a half hours, and too bad for me because I had already bought a crappy expensive sandwich that I didn't even end up eating because the bread was already soggy! Sick.

When we got to Ohio, my mom had gotten there just half an hour before us and Tracey was already there waiting for us. We got in the car and when we got to the farm, everyone was up waiting for us. Lillie and Cannon had written a little sign for us and also made up a dance that they were so excited about.

This trip was not only about Thanksgiving, but about finishing planning for the wedding. I had to mentally prepare myself for the questions and the ideas and the discussion we'd have on each little detail, but it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. That being said, I'm never getting married again. Hahaha.

We sat with Tinker and Emery and talked for over an hour about marriage and old stories. They are such an amazing couple, it's fun to sit and hang out with them. We had ridden one of the bigger four wheelers over there and while we were talking, Rob came and switched it out for a smaller one. But then some of the kids came and just took the small one for themselves so we were left with just our feet. It was pretty funny though!

We all ate about 7 bags of hot fries this week, not kidding. We bought one on the way in the airport, 4 during the week, 2 on the way to the airport when we were heading here. I know I'm marrying into the right family because they all love hot fries!!! Oh, and Ralph had a 12-pack of Coke for me. 

We also played a lot, too! We went to the Gap Outlet, had several fires, shot fireworks, did a little bit of work, visited the girls' fort and the boys' fort, and kind of froze our butts off. 

When we were at Sundance for Halloween earlier this year, we saw these oil barrels that had pictures carved in them and then they built a fire in them and they were amazing and Jake and I were both like," We have to do this for our wedding." We sent a picture to Tracey and when we got there, we practiced on one they already had and then when it turned out so awesome, Tracey went and bought three more for us to use! They are so cool. Maddie helped us draw farm animals -- and by helped, I mean she did it all. 

On Thursday mornings, Tracey goes and milks a couple of cows and she asked if we wanted to go with her. I said, sure, why not! It was super fun. Tracey and Heidi said, "You're a natural milker." Hahaha, but I'm NOT in comparison to them -- they milk those babies SO FAST! 

It was such a fun trip, but the best part is we get to stay there for 2 whole weeks just after our honeymoon. We can't wait for Aaron to get home, to be married, and to live happily-ever-after... hehehe

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