Jake Says Funny Things Part 1

I feel privileged to be with Jake almost 24/7 because sometimes he says the funniest things. And maybe I just think they're funny because I think he's so cute, but I've been keeping a note on my phone called "Jake is funny" and I wanted to share some of those... PS. There definitely is a common theme... hahaha.

  • "I'll do summer sales so we can have a baby."
  •  We were driving to Lake Powell and I had asked if we could listen to The Five Love Languages on the way there. We did, and at the end of the book it talks about filling up your spouse's love tank with their love language.
    "Let's have a safe word if your love tank ever gets below an 8. The safe word can be, 'We haven't been to the redwoods lately.'"
  • "I think our problem is that your love tank is full."
  • Talking about our engagement - "4 months is short my butt!"
  • I played work by Rihanna and he had never heard it before.
  • I said, "Ily" and he asked what that meant.
  • "That's gonna be us in 3 months!" - Jake
    "With a baby?" - Me
    "You can do it!" - Jake
  • "Squishably perfect... That's you!"
  • "We just need to sit down and see if we can have a baby." - he wanted to talk logistics and finances to see if we could make it work! hahaha.
  • "People need to stop telling us not to have babies. They're gonna be a gift to the world."
  • at the pumpkin patch - "Doesn't it feel like something's missing?" - Me
    "It feels like 4 somethings are missing." - Jake
  • I was spelling words out on his back and he was getting every letter right until . . . 
    "H-O-T-T-I.....Q?" We both DIED laughing, even though it probably isn't that funny...
  • also at the pumpkin patch: "It's good to start traditions like this... Next year, we'll bring our baby."
  • Just last night he was trying to tell me about this post I had tagged him in on Instagram and he didn't know what it was called when I tagged him in something... He later apologized for "Not knowing Instagram terms.-"You commented my name or tagged me or . . . what is it called?" - Jake
    "I tagged you" - Me
    "I thought I had to be in the picture for you to tag me?" - Jake
And for good measure, here's a picture of Jake when we were testing out mattresses this past weekend.

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