The Time We Went To Lake Powell

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Jake hates these pictures, but luckily I look good, so I'm posting them... HAHAHA.

We went to Lake Powell for Labor Day Weekend! It was seriously so much fun! We went on a whim -- literally got a call from Kyle (Jake's uncle) that Wednesday that they were driving out the next day and we should go out that Friday when we're done with classes. It wasn't even a question, we were definitely going! School had just started so we didn't have that much homework, and we're always up for a road trip.

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We left Friday after school, stopped by Costco to get corn, stopped by the Mauldin's to get wood, stopped by Sodalicious to get a coke (I don't remember if this actually happened, but I'm sure it did) and then we were on our way! It's about a 5 hour drive. We listened to The 5 Love Languages on the way there, and from what I could tell, Jake actually enjoyed it! It was actually really nice to have him listen to it and it was the topic of our conversation for the last 2 hours of the drive. If his love language isn't physical touch, then I don't know WHAT it is (at first, we both thought his love language was service, but I think that's the love language he speaks, not requires, if that makes sense).

We stopped at some random gas station to get gas and of course, snacks. I got the gas while Jake got the snacks, and when he walked out, I just KNEW I had to marry him... He came out with a 12 pack of Coke, a bag of hot fries, and a Hershey's bar. I was like, "Whoa. I love you." Hahahaha.

We were about 25 minutes out and we both had to use the bathroom SO BAD. LIKE. INSANELY BAD. We were on a sketchy dark road and we saw one place we could stop, so we did. It turned out that the gas station had closed at 6 pm and they locked their bathrooms. Freaking A. Lucky for Jake, he's a boy, and that worked out all fine and dandy for him, but I had to wait till we got to the campsite. And even then ... would I have to go in the lake?!?!?!?! (Luckily I did not have to go in the lake, there was an actual bathroom.)

The whole trip was so fun. We boated and jet skied a LOT. It was kind of windy and stormy, but a lot of the time it was sunny and nice, too. I slept in a tent next to Courtney -- and it really is true that I can sleep so soundly anywhere you put me. Slept from 10-7 without waking up once a few days in a row in a sand-covered tent. It was good.

Hudson, this little boy that was camping with us, somehow got hooked on me and Jake. It was sweet. Jake was doing the ropes for the tubers and Hudson kept asking, "Can I help you? Can I pull the rope in on my own?" It was so sweet. He was the cutest little blonde baby. He kept asking me to build sand castles with him, and when we roasted s'mores, he requested that he sit on my lap. Our last outing on the boat, he came and said, "I want to sit by you." He snuggled up on me in his life jacket and I put my hat on him and he fell right to sleep. Snuggles. Are. Good.

Except he's also a little terror. Some of us (not me ha) went jumping off this rock and he did it! He's 4, and there were older kids that were terrified (aka me)! And then he wanted to go on the jet ski with me and Jake and he wanted to drive and he just gasses it the ENTIRE TIME. He threw Jake and I off twice. The second time I was getting back on the jet ski from being in the water I said, "How did you stay on!?" And he said, "Next time, just hold onto me." - HE'S 4!! Hahahaha

One cute instance with Hudson and Jake that is sweet to remember:
H: Are you a dad?
J: No, but I will be someday.
H: Oh.
J: *turns back at me* "And she'll be the mom."
H: Oh, I like her.

Sweet kid. When we left he was holding onto me and he said, "I'm gonna miss you."

Jake's a daredevil. It's pretty fun to watch him at times, but also sometimes kinda freaky. He tries to do flips off things you probably shouldn't do flips on (like backflips off a random rock into the lake and also a front flip from a makeshift slip 'n slide with a ramp into the water?) and he stands on the jet ski as I'm driving pretty darn fast if he's freaking king of the water! He's so fun to be around though -- I'm glad we got to go together, and I can't wait to go again!

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