Last night we went to an outdoor movie at Rock Canyon Park! Apparently they have been doing these movies for a few weeks, but we just heard about it from our cousins and decided to go with them. They were playing The Greatest Showman, so we were excited to go and watch! We popped popcorn, filled up our water bottles, got an outdoor blanket and headed out.

Utah at night is so amazing... It's crazy how it can go form being blazing hot to so cool and breezy at night, but I guess that's just how deserts work! When we first got there (after what felt like a HIKE), the sun was setting behind the mountains and the view was so beautiful. The colors in the sky were such good shades of orange and yellow and they made the mountains look almost pink. I will for sure miss the sunrise and sunset over the mountains when we eventually move away from here.

June is such a great tagalong. She's calm and just likes to watch things as they're happening. Her little eyes are always moving back and forth as people and dogs walk by, and she especially loves watching the trees as their leaves move in the wind. It's so fun watching her eye movement and trying to figure out what she's thinking!

When the movie started, we swaddled her and she nursed to sleep. It was so loud and even with white noise she woke up about 15 minutes later. Jake just held her for a little bit still swaddled and then put her close to his body (like in the picture above, but swaddled) and she was out like a light. She slept the rest of the movie like a stinkin' angel! We are so lucky to have her! She may not always be an angel baby, but when she is... Oh my gosh I just wanna squeeze her and kiss her face.

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