39 Weeks!

Lol the card is totally necessary to add to this blog post because THAT'S ALL PEOPLE DO IN THE 38TH AND 39TH WEEK! They ask, "How are you feeling?" And, "Why isn't the baby here yet?" I try not to sound annoyed when people ask me this but I'm like, the baby will get here when he/she dang well pleases and I'm not even to my due date yet! Of course I'm really hoping the baby decides to come out like, tonight, but he/she has 6 more days to cook until the eviction notice is REAL. 

In other news - I've started journaling again which is great and just in time for love notes about the baby. I've found the best way for me to be consistent is to bring the journal to school and try to get a little note in before my classes or else I'll get home and never journal because I'm making dinner or trying to spend time with Jake or doing homework! 

Also, Jake's mom got us a night at a local bed and breakfast this Friday and it's going to be so fun! I love spending the night at hotels and places like that so I'm really looking forward to it. Our last little getaway as just the two of us!  It's also nice that it's so close to home just in case I do go into labor... but most importantly, it has a huge bath tub. So if I do go into labor, I'll just be chillin in that! 

AND, my mom gets in town this Saturday which is going to be awesome!! I'm excited to see her. And then a week from Sunday is when Lisette gets here. It's going to be so fun and I'm excited that I'm going to have a stinking baby in a week!!!!! 

As for my appointment stuff this past Tuesday, Jake was able to come which was great. He was able to meet Tina and hopefully this next week he can meet Renee. 

  •  I gained 3 lbs..... 
  • But somehow my fundal height is the same as last week so . . . Thanks, McDonalds 
  • BP was great - like 104/72 or something
  • Baby's heartbeat was seriously fast, like 170s. So we listened to it for a couple of minutes and it went down to the 150s. Was kinda freaky there for a second.
  • Still dilated to a 1 and my cervix is thick (insert crying emoji) 
After the appointment I was pretty deflated, I guess you could say. . . I was hoping to be just a bit more progressed, like at least a 1.5 or a 2. But nothing! And my cervix is thick!?! So I went and bought an exercise ball, and made sure to park far away in the parking lot at Target so I could walk some extra steps hahah I'm sure that really helped. But the most important part is that I was able to complete my two midterms this morning and now I can really get going on getting this baby here! If you see a pregnant lady walking and doing bleachers and squats at the Smith Field House, it's just me! Haha we just want to meet this little kid! 

If the baby doesn't come before Tuesday, I'm gonna consider getting my membranes stripped. I'd rather try something like that than not be a super great candidate for induction if it came down to it at 42 weeks. I do NOT want to be induced so I'm really going to try ANYTHING to get this baby coming! Getting my membranes stripped will still be something Jake and I need to talk about before  I go through with it, but it could be a jumpstart to a pretty much natural starting labor (if that makes sense).

Anyway. I could have a baby tonight so that's keeping me going. Hahahaha. 

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