This weekend was Jake's cousin Nica's wedding so a bunch of family was in town which was super fun (and also a little stressful). Most of the family hadn't met baby June yet, so that was fun for them... but on the other hand, it was stressful because so many babies wanted to hold her and kiss her and my mama bear was like full rage. Haha it stresses me out when she gets over stimulated but I'm working on it!

The wedding and the reception was super fun! Anna and Ruth's dad Thomas was there to hold June which was great, because no one's gonna take the baby from him! He was great with her too, of course. Near the end of the night on Friday we were all playing cards downstairs and she finally fell asleep in his arms and they laid on the couch for about 2 hours! It was THE BEST!

On Saturday, Jake and I went to go play volleyball with the Bruces. That was really fun for the both of us to play with Thomas, and everyone at least won one game. We all got a lot of sun, though... We need to invest in some sunscreen! After we played, we went to this street taco place Ruth told us about and it was seriously so good and CHEAP! We'll for sure be going back there.

Later, everyone wanted to get together again and we all decided to go to Yuba lake which is about an hour and 15 minutes south of Provo. The drive was super boring, but we were excited to get there and hang out with everyone. The shallow water was cold but manageable, and all the little girls were having fun while the men were playing spike ball. June got to wear her swimsuit from Jennifer Overland for the first time and her cute hat I just got her from Amazon! She did pretty great, actually. She nursed a couple times, but she was super happy with Jordan and then in the backpack with me. :)

Jake took her in the water for the first time too!!! At first, he took her in the deep water where it was colder and she screamed hahaha. But then when he took her closer to the shore and just got her little legs in, she didn't seem to mind too much!

Another funny thing from Saturday was June was LOVING the green grapes we had. I don't know how we even found that out, but Heidi was holding her and biting the grape and then just letting her suck the juice out. It was sooo stinking cute how much she was loving it! I don't think she's teething or anything, but she's been sucking on her hands so much recently and our fingers if we put them in her mouth so I'm sure she was loving getting some sweet tasting juice from the grape!

And spending time with her great grandpa!!! He would always try to hold her when she was crying and finally later in the day, she wasn't crying and got to play with him a little bit. He was doing his "Shopping" bit and then "bus driver". It's basically where she is trying to catch the bus but she misses it, and so he makes her do the cute little walk. It was so cute and everyone was giggling. It was fun spending time with them and taking videos that I hope June will cherish!!!

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