This weekend was so fun! Friday night we went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo! We went last year and it was a BLAST, so we were super excited to go this year and bring June! Amazingly, she stayed awake for the WHOLE THING. She probably slept for like 5 minutes. There were just so many noises and people clapping and yelling and men being bucked off broncos and bulls... I'm sure she was too excited to sleep.

The Strawberry Days rodeo is extra exciting because all the men are competing for serious money. How they perform at this rodeo helps them move up in the rankings and perform at higher level rodeos (I think), so they're giving it their ALL. It's all so entertaining - especially the bull riding. Although it is kind of scary... One guy, who had just gotten off the injured reserved list, got his hand stuck in the tape and was being bucked around by the bull until they could get him out. I don't even understand how that still happens but it was terrible to watch!

And the strawberries and cream... Y U M. It's seriously delicious!! It's worth going to the rodeo just for the strawberries and cream... Oh and the people watching.

On Saturday, we (and by we I mean Jake) helped the Mauldin's start demolition on their house! They are moving along with their renovation project and I'm super excited for them. Jake was excited to knock down some walls and do some serious damage... and they did. They worked for about 4 or 5 hours and June slept the whole time in the carrier with me. It was awesome, they got a TON of work done. That night we just relaxed and watched 27 Dresses. Haha, I love my husband.

Sunday we went to church and then in the evening we met some of Jake's aunts and uncles and their kids at a park up in Provo Canyon. It was SO nice out. We passed the volleyball, ate some tacos, and enjoyed the weather. It's always nice to catch up with cousins we don't see that often! In one of the pictures above, June is with one of her little cousins and they are SO cute together! Emma was trying to latch onto her arm and it was so freaking cute haha. I love babies, but I especially love babies when they're together! They are only a week apart, so it's fun seeing the differences in them.

Summer is what Jake and I are living for right now. I'm not really looking forward to the fall semester because of all the credits I'll be taking with June as my little class buddy, so we're soaking up our "free" time right now!

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