Team Blackwelder Family Reunion Part 1

She was smiling and looking at Brent in this photo 

Cousins!!! Taylor and Megan's cute daughters!! They love, love, love June. They're always telling me, "Your baby is so cute!" 

Cousins, I think.... Somehow. Haha

That's how I feel about coke, too 

Fell asleep on pops... So cute.. Before this, we put some coke on her pacifer hahah and then she fell asleep... Ooops 

Baby Emma being all cute and grumpy! She smiled when I put the camera away of course, haha

Snoozing while everyone played volleyball... She's so cute 

My first family reunion!! And it was awesome. I was really looking forward to it this summer so I could see how they went down and also so I could meet other members of the family. Our timing with June's 4 month shots weren't that great because they were the day before it started and she had a fever and was SO fussy, but on Friday, the first full day of the reunion, she was happy as can be and was loving life - thank goodness.

We were staying in a condo with Jake's family which was so fun. We all dropped our stuff off and unpacked a little bit and then went over to the reunion spot which was not even a 5 minute walk away!


The family reunion began with dinner by Dennis, delicious as always!! It was so fun to have everyone arriving at the same place, checking in and getting our shirts and name tags. I was meeting new people left and right - apparently there were about 194 people there, all Blackwelder descendants! Pretty amazing!

Everyone was playing games like spike ball and kan jam and cornhole.

That night Jessica had to work until 6 and then wasn't able to get to the reunion until about 8 and I could tell Emma was getting a little fussy and hungry. Lori was near me and said they had milk, but she wasn't sure where the bottle was and so I asked if I could just nurse her - I have plenty of milk and it'd be super easy! She said yes, of course! So I nursed that little cutie for about 15 minutes. I thought it'd be super weird in the back of my mind, but it was not at all. Luckily June was happy hanging out with a couple other people for the moment. I hope Emma reads this when she's older ;)


I had to go to work for 4 hours on Friday, so I got June ready and fed, ate some breakfast, and then went off to work. I tried not to think about her getting passed around while I was gone haha.

When I got back to Midway, I was so excited to see everyone! While I was gone, Jake got a caricature done with June and then the artist added me in too. Pretty cute! I brought June back to the condo to get a nap, and then we watched a little bit of Animal Planet with Aaron while we waited for Ralph to bring our Team Blackwelder shirts.

We got dressed, and June got the CUTEST onesie to wear! Seriously so, so cute on all the babies with their onesies! We ate dinner and then walked over to a grassy area to get family pictures. We haven't gotten those pictures back yet, but I'm excited to see them! June was happy and I was so grateful!

That night there was also THE TALENT SHOW! Haha basically for any kid that wants to go up there and show us their stuff. Oh, also for adults too. There were some great acts like playing the piano and singing and poetry, but the best of all was the last performance - a dance that Aubrey, Sydney, Cannon, Lillie, and Christy came up with! They had been planning it for weeks and it was so cute. They turned the lights completely off, taped glow sticks to their faces and bodies in shapes of people, and then did the dance. They are talented girls and were doing flips and cartwheels and booty shakes. So funny!

After the talent show, there was a dance party. June slept through the whole thing but everyone was doing the cha cha slide and other line dances. It was great how everyone was SO into it!!

When we got back to the house, I put June to bed and then we went downstairs to play Bohnanza! Taylor made chicken and pork chops (sooo good) while we played. Of course Ralph won haha. I love that game. The boys stayed up for a little while longer playing but I went upstairs to snuggle June.

The first two days were great but so exhausting! Being outside all day can wear you out. Luckily the reunions are in Utah and even when it's so hot out, you can go in the shade and be niiiice and cool.

Thanks for letting us join your team, Jake!!

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