After the family reunion, Jake's brothers stayed in town for a couple more days which was awesome! On Monday, we wanted to do something fun with them and we decided to go to the hot springs in Spanish Fork Canyon! Jake and I have been wanting to go for a while, but when we think about it, it's always too late. The spot is about 40 minutes from our house and then a 2.5 mile hike up, so you have to go at a good time before it gets dark (unless you're into that kinda thing).

We packed up in the car and the Bruces were coming along too! When we got to the spot, I got out of the car and realized that I forgot to bring June's carrier. So Aaron and Jake's were champs and carried her the whole way. That girl gets heavy after carrying for a while so I'm grateful all the boys were willing to hold her!

We got to the top and it was SO pretty! The water really is so blue. Although it smells like rotten eggs, it's so pretty. The sun went down just enough behind the mountain that it was shady and we felt pretty good getting into certain pools. The pools near the top were literally 120 degrees - SO, SO HOT. I don't even know how Jake, Aaron, and Brent got in there!

The water is seriously so pretty but the area is pretty sketchy because it's SO slippery but you can still get around. We got June in one of the less hot parts of it (probably the temperature of a normal hot tub) but I didn't want to keep her in there for too long because their little bodies can't handle heat that well!

We hung out at the springs probably for like 45 minutes and we were all so surprised there was no one there. Jake said that it's usually super crowded, but I guess the time of day we decided to go, it wasn't that bad! I would definitely go again, but probably when it's a little bit colder outside. When we finished the hike, we were all dripping sweat because it's been so hot outside.

We had so much fun spending some time with Jake's brothers and the Bruce girls. Grateful for family and the things we do together! I also should mention that June is such a trooper and didn't cry or whine at all. She nursed when we got there, and then on the way down she fell asleep and snuggled up to me and then Brent and then Aaron... I know she was loving life with all the snuggles she was getting!

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