4 Months Old

15 lbs 12 oz - 80th percentile
26.3 in tall - 98th percentile

My baby girl is FOUR MONTHS OLD! It's been the fastest yet slowest four months of my life, full of learning and FULL of love.

Every day I wake up to June kicking her legs and squirming. Once she fully wakes up and I unswaddle her, she starts making the funniest screech sounds and it sounds like she's trying to talk to us. She also has recently learned to spit and she gets it all over the bed. I turn towards her and just smile at her and she returns the biggest smile ever. Mornings are the BEST with her.

She just started rolling over both ways this week! I really felt like she was just going to wait it out as long as she could, and then the other morning she woke up early and I put her on her stomach in her crib and she just started rolling! She was so happy doing it and I was just laughing and smiling and telling her she was such a good girl. Haha being a mom is so weird and exciting!

She smiles all the time, and is sooo close to giggling but hasn't quite gotten it down yet. She makes the loudest screech sounds and mimics the sounds you make to her. She loves to be loud and chit chat with people. She brings her toes to her mouth and sucks on them sometimes which is hilarious to watch and probably comforting for her. She loves her toys and her activity book - they are life savers in the car!

She also really loves her mama and will make sure people know that she doesn't want to be held by them and give her back. She and I both get flustered when a bunch of people are in our faces and we both make that known. She gets a serious grab on things, especially my hair. She loves taking shoulder rides because she can get a bunch of hair in her hands and pull you around. And she is a crazy, crazy drooler! She soaks through shirts SO fast, it's impressive.

We are so in love with June and all that she's brought to our lives. There are a LOT of hard days (probably more than I'd like to admit), but the good definitely does outweigh the bad and I mean it when I say every day gets a little easier and a little better. She's a happy baby and I'm so glad to be her mom.

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