Farm photo drop

We just got back from an awesome, much needed vacation at the farm with all of Jake's family. It was so fun to spend a couple weeks with everyone AND my sister and mom decided to join for a couple days too which was great!

Our time at the farm was mostly spent relaxing, helping with chores, planning future farm things, eating, swimming, and playing games. It's crazy how fast time goes when you're with everyone you love, doing things you love... We looked forward to our trip for so long and then all of a sudden it was over!

One of the best memories from this trip is when Tracey and I went to Adams County which is about an hour and fifteen minutes away to pick up some beef jerky and visit their family friends who happen to be Amish! I've always found the Amish religion so interesting, and when I got to meet them last summer, I wanted to chat with them again! We headed out in the early afternoon and stopped at Maryann's house. She had been making lunch for her family but was willing to sit down and visit with us.

When we first walked up to their door she saw June and said, "Oh that's a fat baby!" Haha I was like she sure is healthy. She also has had babies with Cystic Fibrosis so I'm sure it's obvious when a baby is a fatter baby. I definitely took it as a compliment. Inside, she whispered something to her youngest daughter and immediately she ran to the back room and then when she came back, she had some toys for June in her hand. I thought that was so nice, and helpful especially because June is super interested in toys right now.

As we sat and chatted with them, their son and then her husband, Marvin, came in to join. Maryann asked about all of the kids, remembering them all by name which is so sweet. And then they told us their big news - they're getting out of dairy farming and doing meat cows now! Apparently that's a huge switch for them but I hope it goes well. They are so nice.

We only stayed for about 20 minutes, but then we went to Miller's which is a glorified grocery store, bakery, and furniture store. It was the coolest thing -- all these Amish prepared foods and the cutest "worker girls". We bought TONS of beef jerky for trek the next day and then we went to the bakery and holy moly sugar explosion. It smells SO AMAZING when you walk in there, and then there's loads of options from turnovers to pies to breads and donuts. We got some bread and a couple turnovers and called it a day.

The cashier was a man with a beard and he was looking at June and asked how old she was. I said she's 4 months. And he asked when her birthday is and I said March 13! He said, "My wife and I just had a daughter on March 27th." I was like, "Ah that's my birthday!" It was sweet, you could tell he was thinking, "I have a baby this exact same age at home." Then Tracey told me you can tell they're married when they have a beard. Something I didn't know! Overall it was so much fun just to spend some time with Tracey and visit what felt like a whole new world.

Here's a photo drop of some of the things we did while we were there. . .

Uncle Brent! 

Chillin with pops in the car on Sunday, eating snacks and drinking 5 hour energy... (Not me, Jake.. haa) 

This was the night a videographer came out to the farm to interview us and hear the story of the farm! After all the interviews were done, we were sitting on the polaris watching the boys trying to catch the horses without grain. I think I snapped this picture, but when I looked back on it later I was in awe of HOW CUTE it is!!! We love cousins 


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