I got back last week from visiting my family in Texas! Jake stayed home in Utah to study for the MCAT so it was just me and June. It was so fun to visit because both my sisters were there and so was my mom! It was a whole family affair, which is rare now!

Lisette drove in from Kansas (yay!) and Amanda was in Dallas working. My mom made a "work trip" while we were there so we all got some good quality time together. Most of our days were spent just hanging out, eating mexican food, and catching up. You can never have too much tex-mex when you're there, because Utah doesn't have anything quite like Anamia's or Torchy's!

It was also really fun to see my sister Amanda because she's about to leave on a 9 month mission trip and won't see June until she's OVER A YEAR OLD and both me and lisette will be graduated from college - WHAAATT. So it was really sweet to be able to hang out with her for a little while.

I also got to catch up with two old middle school and high school friends, Abby and Brooke. They also have babies now around the same age so it was fun to meet up with them and chat about motherhood and our different experiences!

Plus it's always fun to see babies with other babies. How they interact at such a young age is so cute . . . Abby's baby Logan and June are only 9 days apart so they pretty much were staring at each other and touching each other's faces. But Brooke's baby is about 2 months younger than June so she looked like a monster compared to her! They were both laying on a blanket and June kept using Blakely's arm as a pulling system to get closer to her. She kept grabbing at her face and trying to chew on her binky clip. It was so funny but obnoxious at the same time. It will be so fun to visit them again then our kids can actually play together.

And now we're back in the real world. Ive started school, with some help from my AMAZING friends who are able to watch June during most of my classes, and we're just trying to finish up this school year (lol it's literally the first day) without dying. Wish me luck. And PLEASE BE GOOD JUNE.

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