Finals! #27weeks

December is flying by. Sam had some extra tickets to the Christmas devotional (thanks to her dad, hahahahaha which has the best background story) and we were excited to go! Jake had never been to the conference center, so it was fun to explore it with him and look at all the paintings. The devotional was great too, even though President Monson wasn't there. It was also supposed to snow that night but it didn't snow until the next morning and only about 1/2 an inch... best winter ever.

Finals week is also about to be here! We have our last day of classes tomorrow, and then finals start on Saturday! Only one of mine is scheduled, but I think I'll be able to bust them out early so I can work the rest of the week until we try to fly home! I'm glad we're flying ... driving actually sounds pretty miserable right now even though we'd get so many good gas station snacks... my favorite part about driving. hahaha

We also got this awesome surprise from Jake's mom for Christmas! She ordered us (and herself) a sampler box from Fivemarys and it is AWESOME! We were so excited to get the box. So far we've only tried the ground beef and the M5 spice rub, but we are excited to try to ground lamb and other goodies! It also came with their ground beef recipe book which we've already tried two recipes out of and oh my gosh, yum. I am going to get spoiled by their ground beef... it's seriously DELICIOUS. We tried their chili and the sloppy joes and both were seriously so freaking good. 

And for pregnancy update... I don't feel like I'm that big which is kinda nice, but sometimes I still have a hard time getting out of bed. I've been feeling pretty great though.
-  I don't know how much weight I've gained, but I'm not feeling TOO heavy. I have an appointment next week, but they usually don't even tell me my weight / I don't look at the scale. 
- I have my glucose test tomorrow :O I'm kinda nervous even though I don't know if I should be... I just hope I don't have gestational diabetes and I hope I don't have to do the 3 hour test! I'm going to eat eggs and ham for breakfast 
- The baby is a wild thing during the day and then at night is totally calm and doesn't move much! But if I move on a certain side in the middle of the night he/she dances around to get comfortable. I've been getting a ton of video of all the movement lately! 
- My acne has been gone for a while now, which is SO NICE! Haha I don't feel like a pregnant 12 year old anymore! 
- Sleep is getting better now that I've figured out a better system! 
- Baby gifts have been coming in  the mail - SO SO FUN! I have the best friends! 

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