Thanksgiving in Cincinnati! #24weeks

This surprise trip to Cincinnati was VERY NEEDED and we enjoyed every minute of it! Jake mainly enjoyed staying up until 4 am with his brothers and dad playing games, and I enjoyed riding the horses and spending time with the Smiths, specifically getting closer to cute Ashley! We seriously had the best time.

We were planning on spending Thanksgiving with Sam's family because the flights to Cincinnati were soooo expensive. We even looked at routing through Vegas which was a lot cheaper, but wasn't really worth the extra 10 hours of driving. But then Tracey texted us asking if she could book us a flight... of course!!! We were excited to be able to spend the holiday with family!

We spent most of our days outside, or making hot chocolate inside! We got the horses out a few days in a row which was so much fun - they are really good horses when they want to be! Ralph just finished a new trail and the horses were awesome on it, even when I was a little sketched out!

Jake got a lot of work done in the garden with the other boys. They were getting it ready for next year... It took about 4 boys almost 4 hours to complete. I can't imagine if Tracey had to do that on her own!

We also got Buddy, the pony, out to play for a little but he is feisty! He will kick you in the shin if you're not careful... or even if you are careful. Just have to punch him right back! But we got his mane looking all nice for the ladies (AKA Rose) and then sent him back out to the pasture to continue being a punk.

On the our last day there, it was just me, Tracey, Jake, Brent, Bridge, and Lillie which was really fun. We needed to move the coop to the garden so they could 1) be safe 2) fertilize it for next year and 2) eat everything that's made its home inside the beds, and it was a MUCH bigger job than I thought it was going to be! We finished JUST before it got dark. We ended up catching all of the chickens and putting them in the coop, which took seriously about an hour. We even caught the devilish roosters (and by we I mean Jake and Bridger). Then we pulled the chicken tractor over, but ended up getting it stuck in the mud... Almost the entire Polaris was stuck, too! haha so we got out the big guns - the tractor, and that easily pulled it. We set up the fence, clipped their wings, and then we were finally done! Luckily it wasn't too cold.

I'm so glad we got to go out there - we really needed a little break before we finish these last couple weeks of the semester! I'm grateful for Jake, my amazing mother in-law, and a healthy little baby growing inside of me! Life is pretty awesome.

As for pregnancy things . . . I recently bought a fake wedding ring for the days my fingers are a little bigger than they usually are... haha still haven't figured out WHY they're bigger some days, but oh well! I don't feel like I've gained much weight, but I think I've gained at least 10 or so pounds. My belly is measuring 26 weeks and baby's heartbeat this past week was 140! We are definitely still leaning towards boy.

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