One Positive Thing 2/5

Today was the Super Bowl! We went to church at 9 and then hung out at home until we went to Amanda and Kyle's around 4:30. I remember last year's super bowl and during it, Jake had recorded himself singing/playing one of my favorite songs and texted it to me... I thought he was the biggest dork but looking back, it was the sweetest thing ever! We had only gone on like, two dates at that point :)

We spent the day at home for the most part, playing with the chicks and what not until we went to Kyle and Amanda's. On our way, we picked up Ruth and Anna. When we got there, it was so fun. . . there was so much food and everyone snuggled up on the floor and couches. There were seriously so many pillows and blankets it was crazy! It's always so fun to be with everyone. There was a ton of salsa and guacamole, Jake's nachos, some candy chex mix, sodas (ginger ale. sick!), and then near the end of the night... snickerdoodle cookies and hot fudge sundaes! We get seriously spoiled when we're over there!

Overall the whole night was so awesome. Even though the patriots ended up coming back and winning, we all had a lot of fun. We are lucky to have so much family so close to us!

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