One Positive Thing 2/4


Today was so good! We had our sweetest little cousin's baptism in the morning, where we were able to visit with lots of family . . . even Grandpa and Grandma Blackwelder! They flew in just for the baptism. They're the best. Sydney is the sweetest girl and we're so lucky we get to spend so much time with her!

After, we went to the Mauldin's house and ate the yummiest homemade cinnamon rolls, juice, hot chocolate, and fruit. We hung out with family and enjoyed our time. But then I had this idea: We need to get chicks today. Our cousins Anna and Ruth were there and were willing to go with me while Jake studied. We went to a couple different stores before deciding which ones we were wanting to get and then we dropped Jake off and went back to get them! Jake told me to get 3, but I got 4. . . and they're the cutest little things!!!!

We brought them home in this little "chicken crate" and as Anna was holding it, they were pecking her fingers wondering who the heck she was, I'm sure. We set up a rubbermaid plastic tub for them with a heat lamp and they all went to the food immediately. We were in heaven. We got them all out and were just snuggling them! Their personalities showed pretty quickly; one kept trying to use her wings even though she's only less than a week old, another kept trying to run away, another was fast asleep in Anna's hands, and the last one just kept eating . . . Chicks are the best. Jake says I'm probably going to spoil them, but spoiled chickens are the best because when they get older, they still recognize you as their mom and will follow you around and possibly even sit in your lap. If we're not going to have a baby or a dog, we'll have chickens that follow us around!

That night, we went to the BYU basketball game and then grabbed some ice cream and when we got home, for the first time all day, it was just me and Jake! We laid down on the floor, got the chicks out, and just let them run around the carpet . . . pooping everywhere. Hahahaha. They're lucky they're cute! He was trying to pretend to be the Mama Hen and was covering all four of them at once with his hand. They were SOOO quiet and I'm sure sleeping just under his hand. Chicks are pretty used to being smooshed under their mom's wings, so he pushed their little bodies down and you can feel their whole tiny body breathing.

Chicks. Are. The. Best.

They're going to grow so fast over these next couple of weeks and get so stinky, but we're so excited to build our flock . . . hahaha! We're weirdos. Well, mainly me.

**I don't know what happened to the picture of my all black chick . . . I'm on the hunt for it.

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