Our move to Ohio

I can't believe I haven't written here since February! I guess that means my journal has been getting all the love and attention for the last few months. So much has happened since then . . .
  • June turned 1! And 15 months. And 16 months. 
  • She's walking, running, screeching, hugging, kissing. 
  • She can say: mama, dada, dog, kitty cat, clock, and she's working on her "B" sound right now.
  • She still uses sign language every day. Her regular signs are: water, all done, more, please, thank you, and sometimes "I love you" (which I taught her is just blowing a kiss).
  • I graduated! Got my diploma in the mail and everything.
  • Jake graduated! He just got his diploma in the mail this week. 
  • I finished working at Nature's Fusions.
  • Jake applied to medical school, worked on secondary apps, and already got his first interview scheduled! 
  • Jake went on a major road trip with Aaron and Brent to the Redwoods and Yosemite and a few other places. They camped and did some sweet things!
  • While he was doing that, I was in Texas visiting my family with June! We got to hang out with Brooke and her daughter a few times which was so fun.
  • And then we made it to Ohio!!! 
I've been here for almost a month now and we just moved into the house we're going to be in for the next year! It's Jake's brother Brent's house and I'm so glad he's fine with us staying here for the next year so we can save a little money, be near family, and have a nice house to live in with an extra room for June! When we got here, they were doing some renovations on the house. We thought they were just going to paint the interior a new color (white), but they ended up taking out all the carpet and putting in hardwoods that are beautiful!!!, painting the exterior of the house a new color, and knocking down a wall that was separating the kitchen and dining area. I've got to say, it dose feel and look really nice! Now we're just in the process of furnishing it and making it all come together a little bit more. With all the hardwoods, we need some rugs to fill some of the space!

For the past month, we've just been hanging out and having fun with the family! June's in her own slice of heaven with endless cousins and aunts and uncles to play with her, learning how to ride a scooter, swimming whenever she wants, playing with baby chicks, checking up on all the animals . . . She is definitely living the life! It's hard to keep up with her because she is so go, go, go.

Jake has been working on secondary apps for med school like a crazy person. It's honestly been kind of terrible because he will just sit in our room working on essays for hours on end! But that season is coming to a close, thank goodness. He only has a few more to turn in and will probably get to those at the end of this week / early next week! He's also been applying for jobs in the area. He's had 2 interview for 2 different positions so it seems like that part of our checklist is about to be checked off!!

I'm hoping the next month goes by a liiiittle slower. How does summer go by in an instant?! I am definitely not ready for fall yet. The most exciting thing we have coming up is our trip to Florida in late August!! I'm so, so excited to get some family time and take June to the beach for her first time ever!!

Photo dump coming now. I'm hoping now that we're more settled in and I have access to my computer all the time, I will be a little more up to date!!

Went to the antique market in Burlington, KY! Found some amazing pieces!! 

June's new dresser! 

Holding the chicks for the first time!!  

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