June's 1st Birthday!

We celebrated June's first birthday at the Mauldin's house!! It was complete with my favorite Magelby's chocolate cake (June having her VERY OWN to smash, of course), family, and friends! It was so fun to see her be celebrated and get a few gifts from people that love her. And she loved the cake! I'm pretty sure that cake helped urge my labor along with her so it's only right that she have it on her first birthday!

June is 16 months old as I'm writing this, and the last few months of her learning and growth have been such a blur. It's amazing watching her every day, learning something new or being willing to try something new. It's going to be even more of a blur these next few months, I'm sure, so I need to be better about writing things down now that we're in Ohio! She's so much fun to watch and her personality has TRULY made an appearance.

One funny thing she does, that I'm hoping doesn't carry along for too long, is when someone comes up to her that she doesn't like that much, she'll just do a huge screech. It gets squeakier by the day, seriously! So high pitched!

She also will pretend to share with you or someone else and right before (or after) it touches your lips, she takes it back and puts it right back in her mouth! Haha she is so sneaky and doesn't want to share! She knows what she wants and she's not afraid to show it.

She learned how to climb the ladder on the little kids' play ground in the backyard on literally her first try. I don't even have to help her, I just stand behind her in case she falls! She also tries to ride a scooter and the tricycle, hasn't succeeded yet but she will still try! She jumps in the water, goes off the diving board (occasionally), and goes down the slide. I seriously am so proud of all the things she accomplishes and attempts!

Here are some pictures from her first birthday:

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