june woke up an 11 month old and I'm still in denial about it! how can she be THIIIIIIS close to being a year old?

every day she surprises me with a new trick. yesterday it was waving and today it was walking to and fro freely, without me asking her to. she only takes about 8-10 steps at a time by herself, but still, it's so impressive! she is getting more confident each time she ventures out to walk by herself and I love watching the expression on her face when she realizes that she can do it!

she loves saying dog, but it sounds like "dahh". she has two my little pet shop dogs that she carries around the house as she crawls and every time she sees them she says "doh!"

she loves pulling her books off the shelf still. her favorite snacks are cheerios and veggie straws. she's started gagging hardcore on puffs, so i've stopped giving her those for now. her favorite meal is chicken with any kind of bean, or eggs and raspberries for breakfast. she's honestly a champion eater!

she still dislikes getting dressed and undressed but it is what it is. she stays still for her diaper changes like 85% of the time so we can't really ask for much more from her! she's wearing size 12 month, but is quickly growing out of them. she's actually wearing size 18 month pants as i type this!

she understands what "no" means and knows what she's not supposed to do (like bang on the keyboard and open the cabinet where we keep the cleaning supplies), but sometimes she likes to test her boundaries.

the way I keep her busy in the mornings when I'm getting ready is by giving her my makeup bag. she loves emptying it and playing with all the different brushes. it seriously keeps her entertained every morning for like 10-15 minutes!

she is finally okay with being transferred to her cribs for naps! although she only sleeps for 45 minutes to an hour in her crib, it's an hour that I can do something where she's not climbing on top of me or whining! and at night she's only waking 2-3 times.

she loves nursing, but I can tell she's starting to love her new water bottle and binky a little bit more sometimes. it makes me wonder if she'll want to wean on her own in the next few months. otherwise, i think I plan to wean her by 14 months or so. that's my goal for now, anyway.

she is SO happy! she loves to laugh and cuddle and play. she has quite a few ticklish spots and we can really get her going when she's in the mood for playing. if she's not in the mood, she will just grunt until you quit trying to make her laugh.

she has 6 teeth and the top 4 really just came in the past couple weeks. she handled it great - two fevers and a little bit of throw up, but otherwise she's been great.

she loves to give open-mouth SLOBBERY AS HECK kisses! it's the best, but when I'm on the floor trying to get a kiss from her, she seriously gives me like 15 kisses. It's hilarious, and my cheeks end up all soaked from her slobber. another trick she knows is giving a high five. she hasn't quite figured out clapping yet but I'm sure she'll get it soon.

we've been trying to do a little bit of sign language with her. I need to be more consistent with it, but I'm excited for the day she picks up a couple of the words.

she's truly the most amazing, frustrating, magical being there ever was.

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