Trip to Toledo!

Yesterday we left Cincinnati on our way to Toledo!! It’s a little over three hour long trip to northeast Ohio. We decided it would probably be best to leave June in Cincinnati while we went on this quick trip, especially because we would be in a place where not many others (if any of the others) brought / had children.

This is Jake’s first interview! We were SOO excited when he got the email that he was invited to come and when we chose which date we wanted to come, we chose the first date available. That was a few weeks ago and we’ve been preparing a bunch of things since. Jake’s been practicing routine questions, ethics questions, and actor / patient questions. Toledo does a series called multiple mini interviews rather than your typical, expected one-on-one or three-on-one interview, so he was preparing for all different scenarios. On top of that, we did some other little things like make sure he had a clean haircut, clean beard, dry cleaned suit, a new white shirt that fit him well (he probably hasn’t gotten a new white shirt in three years...), and he even shined his shoes!! Haha all of these are a little bit of an investment but they will last us through the whole interview process!

We stayed in a hotel right by the university and went to a little meet and greet last night. Most of the people that were in this group were seniors in college right now, so we felt a little older but in a good way. In that group, there were no other applicants that had children or were LDS! There are 20 total km each interview group and they interview until March, so I’m sure there will be families similar to ours that will come. The meet and greet went well, we all got to ask the ambassadors some questions about the school so it was really nice to learn about it some more. It does seem like a really awesome school! The only thing that’s hard is to compare to BYU that was soooo family friendly, where this place is not as family friendly. But that’s what we get coming from an amazing church and family-oriented university!

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to sit in on the presentation about the university or go on the tour, hence how I have the time to write this blog post. I should probably talk to someone about how spouses should be allowed to do those things, especially since I have a big say in whether or not we will attend here. But right now i’m just going to keep my head down and pray that everything is going well in there. . . He’s literally in the interview session as I type this!!

We are liking this school so far and it would most likely be a great choice for our family, but I’m excited to see where else he gets invited to interview at! And next time, I will be bringing our Junie to explore with us! ,

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