mother of the year

Holy freaking crappoli June kicked my trash today!

Aaron watched June while I was at work this morning (so nice!!) and when I was done, I was bringing our cousin's baby Emma who is the same age as June home with me because they were going to see a play in Salt Lake. It was going to be a fun little play date for June and Emma. . . right!?


Haha when I got home, June was so excited to see me and then luckily went down for a nap really easily IN HER CRIB!!!! for a little over an hour. I was able to do some dishes and clean up around the house, eat a salad, all before she woke up. Then Aaron left, Jake got home, and it was time for Emma to go down for a nap. I wasn't able to get her to stay asleep so I gave up and had Jake try. He got her to sleep in less than 5 minutes and she stayed asleep for over two hours!!!! I was amazed.

ANYWAY, while Emma was snoozing like an angel, June decided to wreak havoc on Jake and me. She has turned into such a little punk, but only randomly. She will cry and SCREAM (literal screams) if she doesn't get her way and I'm really trying to break that habit by redirecting her. She loves to bang on keyboards and was trying to get Jake's iPad keyboard, but I didn't want her to mess up anything with his personal statement so I closed it down to where she couldn't press the buttons. Holy crap she screamed so loud and for so long and not even cuddling would shut her down!

I gave her to Jake who gave her back to me after a few minutes of trying to calm her down in his shirt (which almost always works) and then I just wrapped her in a blanket, put her on my side, closed all the blinds and put on white noise. She finally calmed down. She didn't fall asleep, but she just laid there calmly. But when she was ready to get up again, something set her off and she did the same thing again!!!!

That time I just took her outside because it was so sunny and I let her practice walking on the sidewalk and she kept wanting to touch the snow. I don't know WHAT was going on with her, but it was so unlike her. Maybe it was because her first nap was really late in comparison to what it usually is, but man it was rough!! I was seriously so frustrated with her behavior and I was rethinking ALL of my parenting choices.

With that being said, she went to bed around 6:45 pm and I have zero regrets. She might wake a little early tomorrow, but we will both at least be rested and happy again. It's always nice to start a new day.

Motherhood really kicked my trash today.

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