Life lately consists of living and breathing June.

It's great and I love it but naturally there are times when I go pretty crazy and think, "That's it. I'm only having one baby." And then I remember how much I love pregnancy, or I see June smile, and then I think, "Okay, I can do this at least one more time." 

We wake up and Jake's usually already gone. It seems like June's new wake time is 7:30. Ever since we went to Ohio and she hit the 4 month sleep regression, her sleeping patterns have been WACK. She is going to sleep earlier than usual (like 8:30 ish), but she's waking up at 6 am ready to go. I usually let her play in her crib for like 20-30 minutes and then I try to get het back to sleep, but she pretty much only sleeps another 30 minutes or so. BUT I REFUSE to have a baby that wakes at 6 am! No thank you!! We will keep working on it...

We go on a walk in the morning before the sun gets too hot. She's liking her stroller now so I put my headphones in and listen to podcasts. Usually I listen to The Birth Hour but I've also been listening to Babes and Babies podcast and Birth Kweens! All things baby and birth, of course.

I've been trying to run a little bit, but that'll be a loooong process . . . I didn't even run before I got pregnant so...

Then I usually put her down for a nap and try to get some cleaning done. I've been watching trash reality TV, AKA the Kardashians, but I'm obsessed and it's an easy-to-watch show as I'm washing the dishes or folding laundry. Then we make lunch and wait for Jake to come eat with us which is always nice.

My goal for every day is to get out of the house once, even if it's just to the grocery store. It feels like June does better when she's not so bored - Of course she thrives when she gets good naps in, but I feel like she also doesn't like hanging out inside all day and likes to visit new places and see people, so we always try to go somewhere at least once a day. We've been pretty successful so far! 

I'm trying to soak up this last month before we start school and the semester from hell begins. I don't know how I'm going to do it, I just know that somehow I am going to do it . . . With help from the village around me, I'm sure. I'm grateful so many people are so willing to watch her when I need help. It'll be an adjustment for the both of us, but luckily I only have to be on campus max 3 hours a day and I don't have class on Fridays. We can do this, June! 

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