38 WEEKS! :) :) :)

Holy moly!!!!!!!!! 38 weeks!! I'm full term and ready for this baby to come! I've been walking and trying to stay active while also trying to remind myself that the baby could very well come after 40 weeks so I shouldn't get my hopes up. It's so comforting knowing my body has grown a baby for a full 38 weeks and we've done this thing! Now we're ready for this baby to come and hang out with us in "real life".

This last appointment I went to on Wednesday was great. I met with Renee again and I am really LOVING her. I hope she gets hospital privileges before I deliver. . . I will wait for her. ;)

  • Gained 35 pounds so far, which is only one pound since last week . . . nice.
  • BP was 120/72 (This is prob only important to me. haha)
  • Baby's heartbeat: Strong 130s!
  • My belly is measuring 40.5 weeks . . . yeah I'm definitely ready for that to go down some. 
  • I'm dilated to a 1 and baby's head is at -2 station. 
Things are progressing . . . slowly! We can't wait for this baby to get here!!! 

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