36 weeks, Second baby shower!

This past weekend, we had my Utah baby shower which was super fun! It was at Amanda's house, hosted by Samantha and her family and we had the best food ever. Lots of Jake's family came and a few friends and it was a fun way to spend the Saturday. We got some of the CUTEST outfits ever for the baby. I am so excited for the baby to be here so we can dress him / her in them! We also got lots of diapers, wipes, and BABY BOOKS! The cutest baby books of all time. I am so excited, they are already looking so cute on our bookshelf!

One of the games we played was Jake and I both had a white board and Sam asked us questions and we were seeing the difference in our answers. One of the first questions was, "What's one word to describe Lynnette during this pregnancy?" I wrote, "Hungry". He wrote, "Happy". Sweet guy haha.

Another surprise was Hailey showed up! She's Jake's cousin and we went camping with her and her husband, Kaden, earlier last year. That trip was so fun and we are looking forward to another one. But she walked in so casually and I was like, "What the heck?! You're here from Idaho!?!?!" It was so fun to see her and catch up!

When we went home later that afternoon, we organized ALL the baby stuff we have. I think Jake is feeling the "nesting" more than I am. We sorted out all the baby's clothes by age, figuring out what we want to wash and then store away to wash later. We took off all the tags off the baby clothes, blankets, and towels. We set up one of the shelves in the bathroom with diapers and wipes, and then one of the baskets on the shelves has all the baby shampoos and hygiene care. We are definitely getting excited.

I also had my 36 week appointment today:

  • I've gained 32 lbs. That just sounds so much better to me than saying the actual amount I weigh right now?! Haha
  • My BP was 118/72, even though I was nervous!! So that's great.
  • Baby's heartbeat was 140 and sounded great!!
  • BABY WAS HEAD DOWN :) Thank goodness! They did a little handheld ultrasound and just showed me the cute little head. He/she is face down, AKA ready to come out and we are ready too.
  • Did the group B strep swab thing. It wasn't that bad. Hopefully I test negative though so I don't need an IV! 
  • Still measuring a week and a half ahead.
  • Bought some evening primrose oil right after and can't wait to start using it!
  • Met the new midwife. I believe her name is Leanne? And she's from Fort Jones, AKA where Five Marys Farm is! So I was pretty excited about that since Five Marys is our favorite Instagram of all time! She's also been a midwife for 18+ years and just seems amazing which I'm really grateful for!

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