22 weeks!

The cutest foot ever. 
Baby curled up in a ball... He/she really doesn't like ultrasounds! 

The dreamiest profile I've ever seen. 

Chunky little leg! So freaking cute. 

Holy moly how I am I 22 weeks pregnant already? Ha. Jk. It's been the slowest 22 weeks ever! But I'm definitely feeling more pregnant this week - my stomach feels harder, my baby's moving around CONSTANTLY (which feels crazy cool and he/she sleeps all through the night ha hahaha), and I'm feeling round ligament pain when I walk like nobody's business.

Pregnancy related stuff:

  • I'm definitely in maternity jeans. I have been since probably 16 weeks or so. Regular jeans were causing REAL PAIN, and I was being squished in all the wrong places. 
  • I'm probably going to have an outie belly button here in the next couple of weeks. It's so close.
  • I'm lathering up every night w/ bio oil and cocoa butter lotion to hopefully prevent some stretch marks. They wouldn't be the end of the world, but . . . I had a dream that I found some the other night and they were like tiger claws to the belly. I cried in my dream. 
  • I'm pretty much always hungry, but when I'm full, oh my gosh I'M SO FULL - like can't move full. Even feel like I can't breathe full. 
  • Not sure how much I weigh but I had a dream that I weighed 150. In my dream (and when I woke up), I was like, THERE'S NO POSSIBLE WAY. So we'll see at my 24 week appointment
  • I probably need to get a pregnancy pillow soon. I toss and turn ALL NIGHT. 
  • Not really craving anything, and don't have any food aversions. Although I haven't had hot funyuns since I threw them up at Rancherito's a few weeks ago hahaaha (it was terrible). 
  • Not finding out the gender has actually been pretty easy. And makes me way more excited for delivery! 

We got our official 20 week anatomy scan about 2 weeks ago, and it was awesome. The tech had been working longer than I've been alive (ha he found this terrible) and he was SO informative. We're that annoying couple that's like, "So what are you looking for now? Oh, how big is the baby's femur measuring? And how much do you think the baby weighs? OH AND WARN US WHEN YOU'RE GOING DOWN THERE BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE GENDER." First time parents... so annoying.

Our baby is growing well! At the time, he/she was about 14 oz. I forgot to ask how long he thought the baby was, but I'm kinda hoping he/she takes after Jake's genes and not mine, or short and chubby will rule his/her world.

Updates in our life, besides the baby include . . .

  • Jake is killing it in school. Still. Today he texted me that he got a 99 on his physiology exam... A 99!!! I told him I can't wait to have his big-brained babies.
  • We've already finished Stranger Things 2 and loved it. Although Jake's way more of a fanatic than I am. Randomly the other day he was like, "Yeah, they are probably going to make at least a 4th season, if it keeps doing well." He's been researching it, hahaha, of course
  • We also started watching The Great British Baking Show on Netflix. It's lighthearted and those people are SERIOUSLY talented. 10/10 would recommend that show to anyone.
  • We bought a crib!!!! :) :) :) It's the crib I wanted from IKEA, but IKEA stopped making it so I was bummed. But I found it on Facebook marketplace, along with the mattress that she had never taken out of the plastic, for $50!! I was so excited. So yes, it's already set up in our room. And it's SO CUTE.
  • We're doing a Friendsgiving the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and WE'RE IN CHARGE OF THE TURKEY. Honestly, pray for us.
  • Ok baby related, we feel the baby all the time. Well, I do, and then when I get Jake to look over or feel, the baby stops. Too excited that his/her dad is waiting to feel movement. But so cute nonetheless. But last night the baby made a huge bulge (I don't know what else to call it?) right by my belly button and Jake was like, "There's no way the baby did that. You did that." And luckily the baby did it again so I could prove it wasn't me. Baby just loves to move.
  • We are so excited for our little Thanksgiving break. We are going up to Bountiful for a couple days, and then will probably just catch up on shows and snuggle the rest of the week, ha.
  • Jake just got a new calling....... He tried to trick me that he got called into the bishopric, HAHA. He's actually a permanent sub for primary. I just want him to be called into nursery with me! Agh!
  • It's starting to get colder. Woohoooooo. Except I'm not looking forward to the snow, mainly because I don't like driving in it?!? And I drive home from work at 6 like 4 days week!?!?! 

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