17 weeks! And OCTOBER!

Jake's mom visited this weekend and it was so fun! She was coming for Emily's volleyball game (they were playing Westminister which was so awesome) and also to get some good family time in!

Friday night was the volleyball game. They ended up losing, but in 5 - it was such a good game and it was fun to visit with Emily afterwards! I also talked to Jake's cousin Monica who had a natural birth last year with her daughter and she gave me a book recommendation! I'm excited to read it.

On Saturday, we got Tracey all to ourselves and we went maternity clothes shopping and ALSO BOUGHT A CAR SEAT AND STROLLER! I'm soooo excited about it. Tracey is amazing! It was the first thing for the baby we've purchased -- a totally necessary item -- and I'M PUMPED. I'm also proud of myself for not splurging on any random baby clothes... Yet. 

We also saw our cute baby in an ultrasound! The tech didn't spoil the surprise and everything was looking good. He/she was sleeping with one hand over the stomach and the other hand above the head... Dreamy little kid already. 

After that, we all spent some time at the Mauldin's and I had to try on EVERYTHING WE BOUGHT. Hahahaha, Blackwelders love fashion shows. Later that evening, all the sisters that live in Utah went up to the canyon and brought all the available kids. I was excited that Anna and Ruth were coming otherwise it would've been... interesting, hahaha. We went up to American Fork Canyon and picked a random little hike to go up with everyone. The fall colors were amazing...

BUT.... On Sunday, after watching the first session and eating breakfast sandwiches, we took Sundance up to Provo Canyon by Squaw Peak and the COLORS WERE INSANE THERE (pictured below is AF canyon and then below that, you can see Provo canyon behind us... Insane). 

It was really fun riding Courtney's horse up there, especially when at one point we were going up this part that was pretty steep and Sydney was like, "I'M FALLING OFF!" hahaha. It felt so nice outside -- being with people I love.. It was awesome. And those pics of me and Jake and Tracey were taken on Jake's iPhone 7+!! The quality is seriously ridiculous! 

The bump is growing! I'm ready to feel some movement from this baby who I KNOW loves to move! 

Hahaha so Jake and the boys went up to Squaw peak Saturday night while we were having girl time and they found 5 chickens that had been left stranded there! They were just going to leave them there because they were looking pretty bad and there was NO WAY we were adding more chickens to our flock. A random lady ended up coming up to them and saying she'd take them (this is from her Insta-story and I was dYING LAUGHING!!) She really did take them home ... even though she doesn't have a coop .... In the front seat of her car. Hahaha. Amazing. 

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