15 weeks

I wish (kind of?) that I could say this pregnancy was flying by, but it's really not! I was 15 weeks earlier this week, but I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow . . . So really, this is like a 16 week update.

I get to go back to my midwife this week, which is exciting. Although I'm hoping for a boring and regular appointment! I'm pretty sure we're just discussing some optional tests to see if my baby will have any kind of disorders (Down Syndrome, things like that). If they're covered by insurance, we may go ahead and do it. But the Panorama test also gives away the gender of the baby . . . No thanks!!

We are holding off on finding out the gender until we deliver the baby because that's how it's meant to be! It's meant to be a surprise. . . science is getting in there and ruining a whole lot of things about growing a human and birth, in my opinion. ;) We were both on board with the idea way before I even got pregnant, and it makes us even more excited for March!

I've been feeling pretty good. I'll randomly get sick and feel like I'm going to throw up, but it's rare that I actually throw up. Although the other day, we were driving around town and running errands and I was like, "Oh no... I don't feel good. Pull over. Pull over!" Hahaha and we pulled into some Rancherito's on state street and I puked.... so fun. I. hate. puking. Jake was like, "What can I do?" and I said, "Run in there and get a sprite!" hahahaha. Overall though, I feel pretty good.

My pants are DEFINITELY getting tighter. Holy cow. I'm not sure how much longer using the ponytail trick is going to work... but I'm definitely not big enough for maternity pants. And did I mention it's getting cold so dresses aren't that great of an option?!?!

We don't have another ultrasound until our anatomy scan which is our 20 week appointment... That's gonna be a long wait. I'm pretty sure during that appointment they make sure everything is measuring correctly (head, femur, etc). And they usually give you the gender of the baby at that appointment. Hopefully they remember to tell us to turn away and don't accidentally say anything like, "Oh, he's looking good!" It obviously wouldn't be the end of the world, but it'd be pretty sad to not keep the surprise!

Other than that, everything is pretty good! Sleeping is still good so far, even though I switch from side to side a lot through the night already... I'm a stomach sleeper and that's been rough because I can't quite do that anymore! Luckily Jake pretty much sleeps in one position all night and I don't feel like I'm bothering him too much.... yet. Haha

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