mushy mom thoughts

Today I watched my friend give birth to her beautiful 7 pound boy and my heart was just shattered into pieces. She worked so hard to get that sweet baby here with us, and he is already so perfect. Watching him come out, slowly but surely with help from the doctor, I cried. There truly is nothing that compares to a baby being born.

As I watched them clean him, weigh him, check his heart, I couldn't stop thinking about June. This was someone's son, and she is my daughter. I tried to remember these moments when I had her. I can hardly remember now if I was worried about her breathing and crying. It seems so distant, yet also feels like it was just yesterday.  I was wondering what she was doing with Jake. Did she miss me? Because holy cow, in that moment, I missed her so bad.

Oh my baby is sweet. She's also a little fireball. She's 7 months old now and when you take something away from her, she'll cry and cry until you give it back. Her personality is growing. My favorite thing is that she really loves her parents. My friend Jackie was watching her yesterday and said when Jake came to get June, she had the biggest smile on her face when she saw him.

Ahhh... My first baby. So many firsts with this little girl. Such a steep (I mean steep) learning curve. A really amazing relationship we've built together. Throughout all the pain, sadness, fear, anger, frustration . . . I would do it 100 times over again for her.

I love watching her grow and learn; fall and get up, but there are times when I could take her back to her 8 lb 10 oz tiny newborn yumminess and snuggle her even more than I did. Appreciate those tiny, quiet moments just a little bit more. Smell her, hold her hand, cuddle her and kiss her.

But tomorrow, or rather in an hour or two, I get to nurse her and cuddle her in my bed. And then I get to wake up next to her, feel her crawl all over me and Jake, change her diaper.

I love being June's mom.

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