Fall family pictures + food poisoning

Olivia took our family pictures this Sunday and I LOVE how they turned out!! I was going for the fall feeling, but not TOO fall-y if that makes sense... Anyway, I LOVE them. June was so happy and I'm so grateful we got some pictures of her smiling!!

On our way up to squaw peak, I ate a bowl of chili that we had made the night before as we drove up. Haha well, I had left the chili out all night and I didn't even think about it at the time... but at about 2 am, I was feeling SO nauseous. I jumped out of bed and turned on the shower, hoping to escape the nausea, but it was too late and I started puking in the toilet. SO SICK. I hate throwing up.

When I finished I was like whew, okay, done. I went back to bed. Then at  5 am it happened again and I threw up even MORE. Oh my gosh I felt so sick. And I was kicking myself for eating the chili! The rest of the day, I mostly laid down on the bed or on the floor, sipping sprite and trying to eat as little as possible but enough to try and maintain my milk supply. Holy cow it is difficult trying to care for a baby when you're feeling so sick! I definitely had a look at what my life will be like next time we're pregnant . . . I can confidently say I'm glad it's just me and June for right now.

Of course Jake was begging me to take a pregnancy test hahahaha. I knew for sure I wasn't pregnant, but I appeased him and took a test anyway ... of course it was negative, but it was funny taking one again and waiting to see if there was a second line. I would've freaked if there was!

I'm feeling 100% today and went to school and went to the pumpkin patch and have had a great day. I'm so glad that food just got out of my body as quick as possible. We are all hoping for a healthy winter, escaping the flu and food poisoning!!

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