Finding out and telling everyone

Ahh! We are so, so, so excited. long story short, in the first 2 months of our marriage we were extremely happy but we were also like, "how much happier would our lives be with a baby?" and we debated and debated about getting off of birth control. because we are both still in school, and still would be when the baby would come. Jake was more worried about how i would do in school with a baby, but I really wasn't that worried about it. I knew we both could do it, as long as we were supporting each other.

fast forward to may/june. the semester's ending, we had been trying for 5 months and we were both like, "if we're not pregnant by the end of spring semester, then we aren't going to worry about it! we're just going to live our lives and hopefully we'll get pregnant when the timing is right!" 

We left Utah, went to Texas, had a really fun time there, and then went to Cincinnati. We got there around July 3 and I still hadn't had my period that was supposed to come on July 2nd. I wasn't getting any hopes up though because traveling can mess up your cycle and also my period ALWAYS came early or late; it was never on time unless I was on the pill. 

Around July 5th or 6th, everyone seemed busy doing their own thing and I still hadn't started so I snuck upstairs and took a test . . . in the bathroom that I couldn't get to lock. IT WAS NERVE WRACKING! hahaha. then I quickly took the test into our room and locked the door and waited 3 minutes. the line was faint but IT WAS THERE AND I WAS LIKE OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH TEXT JAKE.

Jake was downstairs building an Ikea dresser for our room. I texted him, "Hey come upstairs for a second :)" and he said "Haha ok" . . . HE THOUGHT IT WAS A BOOTY CALL!!! 

I'm not creative, nor did I want to wait any longer to tell him we were having a baby!!!!! So I left the test on the bed and I just smiled and said, "Look at it!!!" And he said, "I can't, I can't! Just tell me!" And I'm pretty sure I had to literally push his face down to look at it. And then we both freaked out and hugged and laughed and we were like, "WHAT THE heck?! This is happening?!!?!?" It's a whole other thing trying to get pregnant . . . but then when you ARE, you're like . . . Whoa, there's a baby inside of you. 

Anyway, we held onto that little secret for the next 2 or so weeks. It was tough because I felt nauseous, but mostly when we were in the car. I rarely got the front seat so a lot of the time I was just dying in the backseat really trying not to throw up and cursing whoever was driving hahah! There was one morning when we were helping a family in Grandpa Martin's ward; they needed all their square hay bales brought in before it rained so they didn't get ruined. First of all, HOT. Second of all, hard work. Third of all, PREGNANT. I was nauseous, thirsty, and dying the whole time. BUT I MADE IT THROUGH, and didn't break the news to everyone so I could just get a break. #proudmoment 

When we finally were wanting to tell people, I was around 7 and a half weeks pregnant (according to my calculations). Honestly I didn't want to tell people quite yet because I wanted to know that the baby was healthy, but after calling a few butthead doctors in the area, I figured out that wasn't going to happen! SO, we were trying to think of a fun plan. 

With Anna in tow, we went to a pregnancy center and got it confirmed (the weirdest thing ever lol) and then we went to get her sister Emily from the airport. This is when we really started to think of something good! The family really loves to look at pictures from people's trips and weeks and the fun things they've been doing on the apple TV. Well perfect, because Emily was just getting home from Italy! So the night after we picked her up, we were all hanging out at the farm just talking and everyone was inside so Jake (without me knowing he was going to do this) said, "Hey let's look at Emily's Italy pictures!" So we did. And she was awesome. And then we she got to the last photo, we had taken the one at the very top of this post the day before. She said, "And this is the best picture from the trip. . ." 

It took a second for everyone to read it and figure out what it said (cursive is hard haha) but when they got it, I was pretty much crying and everyone was so excited! We were hugging and laughing and everyone was like, "WHAT THE?!?!?!" It was soooo fun. Aaron was convinced he already knew. It was the funnest night.

I wish my family could have been there too, but since we wouldn't see them for another 4 weeks, I just sent my sisters and mom the picture above.

Everyone was super excited to hear we were having a baby. Can't wait to grow this cute little peanut over the next 6 months! 

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