finals time!

I can't believe this semester is already over?!?! We started finals today, and Jake and I will both finish by Tuesday and then I have a whole glorious 5 days off of work! I don't think we're going to go anywhere because we feel like we've been go-go-go and we've gone south a lot this semester, so we're just going to stay home, hang with the chickens, and try to finish some projects around the house. AKA start new ones. Jake is lucky I love him. . . because I know he just wants to tear the house apart!

We're excited for this spring semester mainly because I have 9 AM WORK!! It's only an hour after 8 am obviously, but it's sooo much nicer than waking up at 8 for some reason! Mine and Jake's bodies pretty much naturally wake up at 7:30... and the 6:30 alarm has been a killer. I think during spring term we'll be able to use our bodies as alarms which will be so nice!

It's going to be a tricky semester for the both of us, I think, but it'll be good to get it over with in just 6 weeks and then we get to party at the farm for about 8 weeks! We're excited to help out around the farm, be around family, and just lay low & hang out for a while. Aaron and Ben will also be there and Beth will hopefully come around with their new baby so we're SUPER excited!

Just thought I'd post before spring term started! Wooooohooooooooooooooooo

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