finals time!

I can't believe this semester is already over?!?! We started finals today, and Jake and I will both finish by Tuesday and then I have a whole glorious 5 days off of work! I don't think we're going to go anywhere because we feel like we've been go-go-go and we've gone south a lot this semester, so we're just going to stay home, hang with the chickens, and try to finish some projects around the house. AKA start new ones. Jake is lucky I love him. . . because I know he just wants to tear the house apart!

We're excited for this spring semester mainly because I have 9 AM WORK!! It's only an hour after 8 am obviously, but it's sooo much nicer than waking up at 8 for some reason! Mine and Jake's bodies pretty much naturally wake up at 7:30... and the 6:30 alarm has been a killer. I think during spring term we'll be able to use our bodies as alarms which will be so nice!

It's going to be a tricky semester for the both of us, I think, but it'll be good to get it over with in just 6 weeks and then we get to party at the farm for about 8 weeks! We're excited to help out around the farm, be around family, and just lay low & hang out for a while. Aaron and Ben will also be there and Beth will hopefully come around with their new baby so we're SUPER excited!

Just thought I'd post before spring term started! Wooooohooooooooooooooooo

vegas for the weekend!

chris called me a few months ago while i was in class and i answered it. he asked, "do you and jake want to go to vegas with me and my denton buddies in April? i'll get y'all a nice hotel room and it'll be fun!" and of course i said yes! i checked the dates and it was the weekend before finals and it all worked out really well! he even flew lisette down with his southwest points. she invited Emily and it all made for a really fun weekend!

jake and i drove down thursday night (after being rushed by Lisette and Chris to make it there in time for dinner!) we got there and everyone was eating. i thought the meal was pretty much over BUT IT WAS ONLY THE FIRST COURSE!!! needless to say, we spent waaaay too much money that night!

jake and i being "boring" as Lisette calls us . . . after dinner, around midnight, we were just watching some broken skull ranch show with an old WWE wrestler. it's actually pretty entertaining and the hotel had a giant projector and screen so why not?! 

after we ate dinner at this place called Todd's English. i had the chicken pot pie and it was noooot that great . . . we had an english guy with us named Minesh and he was SO. FUNNY. He, i think, approved of this place. although he's probably tasted better fish and chips in England... (or is it "crisps" that they gave them???) 

this was the first night, in the nicest bathroom ever. seriously, like glass doors with marble over them so nobody can peek. and not paper towels to dry off your hands, literal nice napkin things that actually dry your hands off! 

sorry these pics are all jumbled! haha but on the way home.. JAKE GOT HIS FIRST SPEEDING TICKET!! i woke up from a car nap to him stopping, thinking maybe he got tired or something, and he was like "yeah, I'm getting pulled over." hahahahahahahaha. i died laughing!! the cop was really nice though, so luckily we didn't have to deal with a jerk but soo funny. jake always brags he's never gotten a ticket before :) 

the first morning in Vegas.. with the nicest view ever! we were on the 55th floor and that has its benefits:) i think there was only one room above us. and the bed.. was amaazzing..seriously slept like an angel. hahaha. 

just playing cards after a day at the pool. jake's study break, and teaching lisette and i how to play dumb games. notice that my thumb is red from eating hot cheetos. hahahaha

it was so fun to be with my sister and chris and everyone else for a long weekend! we had so much fun and it was nice to get away for a bit! 

celebrating my bIRTHDAY!

i turned 21 on the 27th! it was very fun, and very low-key . . . just my style. :)

i went to work and then i took my family to the airport. we got stuck in traffic for a little while, but luckily Lisette offered to drive and I just got to "sit back and relax" as she said while she drove. haha. I don't love to drive sometimes, so that was nice of her . . .

our awesome mom also got us some facials to get together. unfortunately we didn't realize they were closed on mondays so I'm going to have to go on my own, but i'm super excited about it. i've never had one so it'll be interesting! she and our sister amanda also sent us some cards to my house:)

my grandma let me pick through some serious clinique stuff and also gave me some other gifts which was soo nice of her! i got some cute lipstick i'll hopefully actually wear, a ton of mascara, face watch, lotion, and some other makeup i now don't have to buy for a while!

then i met up with samantha, which was great, i hadn't seen her in a while. we were gonna go eat at red rock but lisette called and said she forgot her wallet in my car so we decided to eat closer in bountiful and we just ate pei wei. i seriously love asian food. i could eat it all the time (we just had it the night before at tepanyaki . . . a great, expensive birthday tradition but the food is soooo good). we chatted and then she FILLED UP MY ENTIRE TANK OF GAS! so freaking nice!!

then i drove home and jake was like, "oh my gosh, i haven't seen you allllllllll day." haha and then we watched fixer upper, probably, and went to sleep which was fun. i also came home to a gift from Jake's aunt amanda. she gave me some new mascara and self-tanner which I'm actually so appreciative of because I've been meaning to try a self-tanner but just haven't shot the bullet. so woohoo!

and best of the best, Jake's sweet mom sent 21 reasons we love Lynnette in the group text. i married into the best family! she also shared this picture she took of jake and me from the first time I was at the farm .... oh my gosh, how did I not know I loved him (and them) then!?!?

he's soooooo cuuuuute!!! <3 <3 

woohoo to being 21! 

Lisette came to Provo

Woohoo! For Lisette's spring break, her friends were going to go to Padre . . . blech... who wants to go to south Texas for spring break? Not a lot of people. So she decided she'd come to Utah instead! Well, it turned out that our birthdays were at the end of her spring break, so she decided she would stay until my birthday and then leave that day. So she was in town for 10 total days. . . holy cow.

We tried to think of a few fun things to do, and even though we were in school and working, I think we made it happen...

lisette with my fave lil' girl. she's sweet 

waiting in a 30 min line at bahama bucks . . . cold and boring! 

going to the men's volleyball game!

doing a lil' hike up to jake's uncle's little platform he and his buddies built in high school in rock canyon... sooo steep... 

smooooooching..... duh 

we went to Zion's Monday and Tuesday and camped out at la verkin overlook. Lisette did a different hike with her buddies from school while Jake and I did a couple on our own and AHAHAHAHA he forgot a shirt!! hahahahaha. all he had was a thick plaid shirt he wore the day before... soooo funny. we had to go buy him one from the gift shop, but until then, he walked like this to the gift shop... oh my gosh i was cracking up! 

i sent a pic from the platform to dennis saying "look familiar?" this is where he proposed to his wife mia some years ago :) ..... i can't believe she hiked up there to get proposed to  . . . she must really love Dennis, because i was out of breath and took a couple breaks and also a little sweaty. hahahaha. 

It was fun, but having family in town for that long can be taxing on anyone.. sorry for being a grump ;)