The Time We Went Camping

The people to for sure go camping with are Jake and the Ervins -- Tyler, Maggie, and their cute son August. We've been trying to do as much as we can outside while the weather is still nice, and rumor had it that this was going to be the last nice weekend for a while... and so far, they have been right! It's been in the 30s in the mornings and 50s in the afternoons. Maybe we'll get some real snow this year!

The Time We Went To Lake Powell

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Jake hates these pictures, but luckily I look good, so I'm posting them... HAHAHA.

We went to Lake Powell for Labor Day Weekend! It was seriously so much fun! We went on a whim -- literally got a call from Kyle (Jake's uncle) that Wednesday that they were driving out the next day and we should go out that Friday when we're done with classes. It wasn't even a question, we were definitely going! School had just started so we didn't have that much homework, and we're always up for a road trip.