June is 8 MONTHS OLD as of yesterday! Really, for the past 2 months, I feel like I've been telling people, "Yeah she's 6 months old." For some reason, 6 months was such a big milestone for the both of us and then I kind of froze her in time at 6 months. But now I have an 8 month old. Like a real mom.

Things she loves:

  • cuddling
  • eating solid food 
  • nursing
  • climbing on things
  • climbing over our legs
  • playing with the vacuum
  • warm showers
  • sleeping in the car
  • screeching
  • saying dada 
Things she doesn't love:
  • getting her nose cleaned out with the nose frida
  • sleeping in her crib
  • crawling in the grass
  • wearing socks
  • when I walk out of the room
  • having her face or hands cleaned off when she finishes eating 
  • sleeping when it's hot or she's sweaty 
  • watching people, but not being held by them lol (stranger anxiety is real right now) 
Skills she has:
  • crawling super fast now
  • starting to understand "no" (but usually continues to do things anyway)
  • eats solid food really well, hardly ever gags! *knock on wood*
  • crawling over our legs without falling
  • pulling herself up on anything
  • and then sitting back down slowly without falling 
  • knocking the trash can over is one of her #1 skills 
  • pinching 
  • pulling our glasses off our faces
Wearing some 6-9 month things, but mostly 9-12 months. Still in a size 3 diaper, but they're starting to get a liiiiittle bit snug. We love her so much, and I really can't believe we are closer to being with her for 1 year than her being in my uterus. Haha, love you junie b and so do sooo many others! 

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