June is 8 MONTHS OLD as of yesterday! Really, for the past 2 months, I feel like I've been telling people, "Yeah she's 6 months old." For some reason, 6 months was such a big milestone for the both of us and then I kind of froze her in time at 6 months. But now I have an 8 month old. Like a real mom.

Things she loves:

  • cuddling
  • eating solid food 
  • nursing
  • climbing on things
  • climbing over our legs
  • playing with the vacuum
  • warm showers
  • sleeping in the car
  • screeching
  • saying dada 
Things she doesn't love:
  • getting her nose cleaned out with the nose frida
  • sleeping in her crib
  • crawling in the grass
  • wearing socks
  • when I walk out of the room
  • having her face or hands cleaned off when she finishes eating 
  • sleeping when it's hot or she's sweaty 
  • watching people, but not being held by them lol (stranger anxiety is real right now) 
Skills she has:
  • crawling super fast now
  • starting to understand "no" (but usually continues to do things anyway)
  • eats solid food really well, hardly ever gags! *knock on wood*
  • crawling over our legs without falling
  • pulling herself up on anything
  • and then sitting back down slowly without falling 
  • knocking the trash can over is one of her #1 skills 
  • pinching 
  • pulling our glasses off our faces
Wearing some 6-9 month things, but mostly 9-12 months. Still in a size 3 diaper, but they're starting to get a liiiiittle bit snug. We love her so much, and I really can't believe we are closer to being with her for 1 year than her being in my uterus. Haha, love you junie b and so do sooo many others! 

More Halloween photos

Because obviously more pictures of June in her Halloween costume! I've been trying to get my "nice camera" out more regularly because the pictures really are so much better, but it's hard to lug that thing around. But it's definitely one of my goals - and I want to be better at printing them and putting them into some kind of album. One of my favorite things to do is look through old photos albums - physical, turn the page kind of thing.

Other things we have been up to lately are staying up way too late playing Splendor on the iPad haha. Our cousins showed us the game a few weeks ago and we have been addicted ever since. You can get it for $5 on the app store so we are loving it.

June has been eating more and more solids which is so fun to watch. She has gotten significantly better at chewing in the past couple weeks, and I've gotten more confident with actually letting her eat anything besides applesauce and yogurt. She hardly gags anymore which is so helpful for my sanity. When she does gag, she's generally able to work it out. I am so proud of her!

Jake had a job interview this morning and it sounded like it went really well! It was at a behavioral hospital nearby and we are really hoping he gets it! He sounded so excited about it when he walked out of the interview. I know he would do great and learn so many things! The only thing that would stink is the night shifts . . . I would just have to cuddle June extra hard while he was gone!

June is a dada QUEEN. She says dada all. day. long. It's so cute. I'm not sure she knows that Jake is her dad. It kind of seems like she just interprets dada to mean any happy or fun thing. Whenever she's happy she's just saying dadadada the whole time. It's so, so cute. But when she's sad or tired she still says Mama. I can't believe she'll be 8 months in one week. Time really does go by so fast!

I did yoga and went on a "run" for the first time in a while this morning (like a few months). I truly am already feeling it in my legs, which tells you how much I've done since getting cleared to workout lol. I'm trying to be just a little bit better and a little bit healthier, and hoping to make some real improvements by the time we want to have our next baby. I'm on a mission to help my body deliver my next baby naturally and I think working out will really help that come to pass. Haha we'll see; I'm going to be my own experiment.

Other than that, life is good. I'm trying to journal regularly, cook more often, snuggle June & not get so frustrated that she doesn't sleep. We are really on the tail end of school finishing (kind of), so we are trying to stay positive and happy as we finish our last assignments, papers, and tests. I'm so glad it's almost over and I'm going to be able to just hang out with June full time next semester (besides the one class I'm taking online).

We are all really looking forward to next year, but I'm also okay with this next 6-8 months to go by slowly. I'm not quite ready for June to turn 1 and to move out of our little house into the next chapter of our life. We both are trying to be better about enjoying the present and things we are doing right now.

LIFE LATELY: pumpkin patch & halloween!

Aahhhh... Fall with my sweet pumpkin pie is the best ever. I'm glad we got to experience all the pumpkin patches and Halloween before she hit leap 6 which starts tomorrow!

We went to the pumpkin patch with our cousin Jessica and her husband Fabricio and their cute daughter Emma! It was so fun seeing them together and catching up with them. We ate donuts and pizza and took a bunch of cute pictures of the girls and even took them down the slide. Truly everything is so much more fun with babies!

And Halloween!! We didn't go out with other kids or families, but we did dress her up in a chicken costume, OF COURSE. Anyone could've guessed that. She looked so cute in it and wasn't even trying to pull the hood off! We took a ton of pics of her of course but no proof of mom pics haha (i was looking rough). But we also got one of our chickens out and put her next to June and June tried to grab her beak and I screamed!! Haha I didn't want her to get pecked and when I screamed, June wasn't even fazed. #tough

I love this little sweetness. She's been such a trooper as we go through school, as we made applesauce for HOURS two weeks ago at Amanda's house, as we put her in a huge pile of leaves, during church while we teach the 9 year olds. Oh I also painted her toes a cute little purple color while she was sleeping the other day. They look SO CUTE! She really is the best baby. . . even if she doesn't really sleep at night unless she's snuggled up close!