weekend happenings

this weekend was really fun! we had Jenny's wedding Saturday morning at the Salt Lake Temple! I had done baptisms there before but never had I been to a sealing so I was really excited... that temple is so beautiful inside.. although.. i must say that I'm glad  we didn't get married there because there were 45 OTHER WEDDINGS THAT SAME DAY! and they said they usually have about 80 or so a day, especially in the summer. that's crazy to me. when we got married in Columbus, I think there was only one other wedding that day!

the wedding was beautiful! we sat next to Hailey and Emily and it was so fun to see them because we had no idea they were going to be there! if Hailey lived closer to us, I'm pretty sure we'd be best friends. I love her!

after the sealing, we took pictures at the temple and then we took all the babies to chick fil a with Amanda, Sarah, Beth, Anna, Grandma, and Grandpa. It was a fun car ride JAMMING to Moana! After Chick fil a we went to the Bastidas' house and we started getting things ready to take over to the reception hall. Luckily there wasn't much to take over!

When we got to the reception hall two hours early, we started putting food in the fridge for later, setting up the cake (well, beth was. i wouldn't trust myself with that job ever), cleaning plates, setting out muffins, and trying to help out wherever we could. i was sitting down on the floor cleaning plates because my heels were going to KILL if i stayed in them all day.

during the reception, we stayed for about an hour and ate paella and drank italian sodas. it was fun to see Jake's family and hang out with everyone, but then Kyle was taking some babies to his friend Jonathan's house and they live on a little mini-farm and so of course we went!

it was probably a 45 minute to an hour drive and we had Peyton, Walker, and Maddy with us. When we got there, we changed out of our church clothes and into regular clothes that Kyle had brought us .... hahahah well he brought me some leggings but I didn't have tennis shoes, only sandals, and then the only other option he brought me was this Athleta dress of Amanda's. so cute, but I was wearing the WRONG GARMENTS! hahahahahaha. and it was so windy and the dress wasn't covering anything! Kyle was like, "You're welcome, Jake." hahahaha. Buttheads.

We went outside and saw their chicken set up... and it's AMAZING. I WANT IT. basically they built an older looking shed/barn into a nursery with different rooms for each mama and her chicks. you can see the outside in one of the pictures below. basically it's big enough for the mom to be comfortable to hatch her babies and then hang out with them until she's ready to introduce them to the flock. there was like 8 or so moms and they all had 8-10 babies just running around. there was one mom who was so protective and kept her wings up every time we were looking through the door. that's gonna be me. hahaha.

we sent it to Tracey and now Jake wants to build her one.... I'm all for it. :) :) :)

and the last picture of Grandma is for good measure hahahahaha. I think it's from Friday night. Earlier that day, she and everyone else had gone swimming at the rec center and after they showered there and Sarah had given her something she thought was shampoo but IT WASN'T. it was probably hair styling gel or something. anyway, it made her hair completely flat and extremely greasy. she had showered several hours before and it looked like she had just gotten out. so she said since she wasn't able to turn on the shower upstairs, she was just going to wash her hair in the sink. Courtney and I were DYING LAUGHING.. seriously dying while trying to silently laugh. i said, "Are you going to condition too?" And she said, "Yes, I don't want to look half beautiful." Hahaha I love that woman!

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