One Positive Thing Today 1/30

I'm doing this as an assignment for my Family Processes class, but it's a win-win for me because it'll help me be a regular journal-er. Or at least I hope.

One positive thing that happened today is my husband picked me up from school, right on time might I add, and when I got in the car, he had already gone grocery shopping.  He had gotten orange juice, hot fries (our vice), chicken for dinner that night, two boxes of cereal (Honey Nut Cheerios for me, Honey Bunches of Oats for him), a new meal to try later this week, bacon for the next morning, butter, granola bars, and a few other things we were missing. I was thinking we'd have to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner and even breakfast the next morning, but he had gotten everything while I was at school! He does things like this pretty often, but they're generally around the time I need it most. I knew I was going home with a lot of homework to finish and a dirty kitchen (from waffles and eggs this morning), and shopping was just another thing to add to the list, but it was so nice of him to get it all finished for me.

When we arrived home, there were not one, not two, but three packages waiting for us . . . Of course this made that positive moment even more positive and happy! My computer finally came from being broken at our wedding, we got wedding pictures in to finally put in empty frames we have, and a book I ordered from Amazon arrived. While I was opening all the boxes, my husband was unloading all the groceries. There wasn't a plastic bag in sight when he left the kitchen and that makes my heart happy! Although I don't mind unloading groceries, it's nice to not to do it every once in a while.

I remembered a conversation we had at church on Sunday with our Bishop. He knew us before we were married and he asked us, "How's married life?" We both said, "It's great!" and he responded, "Usually the men are all, 'It's great! I'm loving it!' and the women say, 'It's such hard work.'" And he laughed. It is hard work! But I do it because this is all I've ever wanted to do: be a wife, and mom. I'm a nurturer, always have been. Doing laundry, doing dishes, cooking (what I know how), making sure people are taken care of, it's my thing! I'll do it forever, happily, most of the time. ;)

All in all, a good day.

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