Camping in IDAHO!

A few weeks ago, I wanted to catch up with Hailey and see what they were doing for Memorial Day weekend. Unfortunately her husband had to work but she said they were going camping the next weekend if we wanted to come. I made sure with Jake (about a hundred times) that he didn't have any tests or anything extra to study for and although he did have a test the following Monday, he said we could still go... We wouldn't be studying at home Saturday, anyway! I was excited!

I was able to get off work Friday. Earlier that morning, we had gotten all our camping stuff together. When I got out of class, we packed our clothes and left. Jake had been busy making guacamole, cowboy cavier, and his favorite pineapple/mango SPICY AS HECK salsa.

Hailey and Kaden told us we'd basically be playing hide and seek with them once we got up there because there was absolutely no service unless you came completely off the mountain. At one point, they needed to reach us to ask us to bring firewood and they had to ride over 6 miles to a church to get wifi (Thanks, Pioneer47)!

When we got there, we just kept going up and up, hoping we'd see one of their red four wheelers somewhere. As we were on this dirt road, we saw them coming down. That was lucky! They showed us the way to the campsite and holy cow - IT WAS AMAZING.

Highlights from the trip include:

  • making tin foil dinners, where we accidentally break open Kaden's on the fire and he has to eat it anyway. 
  • When my meat was a little burned (because it was a smaller patty) and Jake was like, "Is that burnt?" And Hailey said, "It looks like a black rock." And I was like, "No.. It tastes good.. It's not burnt.. I mean, I guess it's a little charred..." Then they ALL STARTED DYING LAUGHING. (I think you had to be there... It was so funny at the time)
  • Going to sleep at 10:30 and sleeping like champs.... Haha just kidding, our mat had a slow leak and we woke up at 2 am with rocks digging in our backs. 
  • Waking up at 6:30 am to fish... and being the only one to catch anything ;) 
  • Making pancakes, and being the only one to eat them. In their defense, they saw the trouble I went through making them and they didn't look that appetizing... but they really were good.
  • Riding behind Hailey and Kaden on the four wheelers and getting completely DUSTED. 
    • A guy we stopped and talked to said to Jake (who was completely covered in dirt), "I bet you're not hungry . . . from eating all that dust!" It was so funny, mainly because he didn't say the punchline for another 45 seconds so we were like, "Yeah, we just had a great breakfast!" Hahahaha
  • Learning how to chop wood and split logs properly... Kind of properly. I'm not very accurate and it takes me forever to get one done. Hahaha. That is a WORKOUT! 
  • Going to the lake at 5pm expecting/hoping it to be kind of warm... It's freezing... Everyone else got in, so I had to.... IT WAS FREEZING. Then sharing a single-person kayak for the both of us and freaking out because we were about to sink in the middle of the lake. 
We got home soooo dirty, tired, smelly, and sore... (Mainly me with the soreness. I should probably go to the gym more often).

But it was so fun and the camp spot was seriously beautiful, I should've taken a picture of it. It was so much fun hanging with Hailey and Kaden too, hahahaha. We were laughing our faces off all weekend! 

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